A jealousy fic that I have no title to

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Swearing warning?

It seems like she wasn't the only near the far shore. So she was genuinely surprised when she peeked around the corner to see inside the bathroom hoping to scare the apparition, to see a girl her age, a girl in her class, standing in front of the third stall.

The door creaked open and out stepped Hanako, hands behind his back with a bright smile. He introduced himself with a bow while the girl looked bewildered.

"B-but you're a boy?!"

"That's because I am, even my assistant here thought the same when she first met me"

How did he...?

She stepped out into the open and looked down, suddenly taking interest on the shaped tiles. Hanako flew over to her and looped his arm around hers, while intertwining their fingers.

"Meet my beautiful assistant, Yashiro! Yashiro, meet... whatever your name is?"


"Yashiro, meet Amaya" she gave a slight shy wave and she returns it. Then pulling Hanako by the sleeve of his gakuran outside.

"Who's she?! Why's she here? What's your business with her? Are you dating? Why didn't you tell me about this?"

"Whoa, calm down, the girl just summoned me for a wish. Just give me a minute and everything would be fine"

"You-you're not going to replace me with her as your assistant...right?"

He stopped and his eyes widened. His heart swelled with the question even though for him or for her, meant nothing at all. He stroked her cheek and held her hands in his, rubbing the back of her hand to assure her everything would be alright.

"I'm not going to, why would I replace my beautiful daikon assistant for someone like her?"

"...okay fine, I'll let you off for calling me daikon only this time" he let go of her and dragged her back into the bathroom. Where the girl was looking out of the window.

She looked bedazzling. Her hair done in an attractive style and a little bit of pink gloss on her lips, the afternoon light shining around her. The action of impression seemed forceful, like she had done this for someone.

Someone she knew so well...

Only to her of course. Hanako didn't seem fazed by her "beauty" or even noticed any difference. He clasped his hands in front of her and beamed.

"What's your wish young lady?" Amaya inhaled.

"I want a boy to like me!" He coughed.

"Tsk, the most typical and the most common of all wishes. What and who's the kind of person? Be specific, or else I'd misunderstand and it'll all lead to chaos" Yashiro glanced at him for a second. He's smiling, he's formal, polite even, but the tone of his voice says the opposite?

On the outside, he's calm, peaceful, polite, welcoming and respectful to the girl. But to her, it seemed like his voice was laced with hidden poison, hatred, and resent. She didn't know why though, so she kept quiet.

"My little Daikon" //Hananene oneshots// ONGOINGWhere stories live. Discover now