Ch. 1

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POV: Elena

Ever since I was a little kid, my imagination has always been better than my reality. I would create these whole other worlds in my head. To this day I still have a very big imagination. Now I create scenarios with people instead of whole worlds. 

However, if I were to create a different world. I would make sure that I was popular and had more then 1 friend. I would make the guy I have a major crush on fall in love with me.  And I would be the most famous writer in the world. 

But sadly, this isn't my world. I only have one friend, Mia. The guy I'm crushing on, Jude, has serious commitment issues. And I don't show many people my writing. So none of my imaginations will be coming to life in this world. 

"What are you writing in there?" Jude asks, bringing me back into reality and out of my diary daydream. 

"Another one of your amazing poems, I presume." He says after I don't answer his question.

"Yeah something like that." I say nervously. 

Imagine if Jude just read what I wrote. He would run away so quickly. He's always been like this though. Scared of anything that might hold him back. Except his current "fling", as he calls it. The beautiful Lennon McKay. She's the "it" girl at our school so I completely understand why Jude is absolutely obsessed with her. Though they have lasted longer than his usual "flings". They have been flinging (would that be the phase, idk they confuse me) for about 6 months now. She's great, super nice to me and Mia and sits with us at lunch. So that's always a plus. 

"So are you gonna try out for Slam Poetry Contest El?"

Jude is the only person allowed to call me El, even though I don't technically allow him to he still does. 

"I'm not sure, haven't really thought about it." I said even though I can tell he knows I'm lying.

Jude knows everything about me, every facial expression, every tone I use. And Vice versa. I knew he would know that I haven't stopped stressing about what I was going to do. 

"Yeah sure you haven't." He says in a sarcastic tone. "You would blow everyone away."

I chuckle.

"I mean it St.Clair, you are wicked talented."

I gasped and said, "Jude, that almost sounded like you were complementing me."

"I was, idiot." He said while rolling his eyes

"Thanks Juddy." I said, fully knowing that he hates being called that. 

"Don't you even start El." He warns

I'm absolutely head over heals for this boy. He could throw me off of a building and I'd still be in love. He doesn't even understand how much I love him. No one does, I physically can't put into words how I feel about him. It's like I've been floating in space for so long and then one day I came across the moon and saw how bright it was. And from that day forward I completely and utter loved the moon with my whole being. 

Later that day I wrote a poem about "My Moon"

My Moon

You're my moon, my stars

My Saturn and my Mars

Baby you're the one for me

But I know you don't want to be

So I'll keep my heart on the low

No one needs to know

I wish you knew

When I'm with you I play Taboo

Trying not say the words

Sometimes I wish we were birds

So we could fly away

We could be together someday

I'll just keep dreaming 

My heart will keep screaming

At me to tell you face to face

But there's no right time or place

I'll love you in private

My mouth will be quiet

It's good enough for me

If I just have you in my dreams


Thank you guys so much for reading this. If you have any suggestions let me know. If I spell something wrong also let me know. I have a few ideas for the upcoming chapters but I'm not completely sure how I want this story to go. So definitely let me know! Also if you want the chapters to be shorter or longer let me know. Thanks!



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