The Reaping

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Danny O'Donoghue POV:
Today is reaping day. Normally I would be watching others volunteer their lives for attention today. Normally I'd be relaxed today. But no, I'm going in the reaping today.
I adjust my tie as I walk to the end of the road where Mark and Glen are waiting. We approach the Square silently. As we file in we get our fingers pricked and are shoved towards the male section. As there are numerous ages of popular celebrities they have decided to not split us into us into age groups. Also we all have equal chance of going in to the games. So there is no need to put the most likely (18yrs) at the front.
As we take our places the mayor walks onto the stage, tripping slightly on his way. He clears his throat and then starts his long speech, about the Dark Days, where the Districts rebelled, causing an uprising, which ended up with District 13 being demolished. He finishes with about how this is our punishment: The Hunger Games.
He then introduces our escort, Malcent Blade, and walks off his stage to take his seat.
Malcent shows us a clip 'Brought All The Way From The Capitol!' And then takes her place at the Female station on the stage, microphone in hand.
"Our female tribute, of the 200th annual Hunger Games is:" she shuffles her hand around in the glass ball, before selecting a card hidden at the bottom.
"Jessie J!" She calls enthusiastically.
I jerk my head to where Jessie stands. Not her. Of all people. We are great friends and even starred on the same show (The Voice) last year. Her face pales as she makes her way to the stage. I know her well. Well enough to know that she started her music career early in her childhood, therefore she has never trained for this. Like me, hoping that in the six years we were eligible for the reaping that there would be a volunteer.
As she walks up the steps I can tell by her face that she is trying to stay strong, but is actually hoping there will be a volunteer. But of course there is none.
Everyone turns their head to me. I stare back, confused.
"Danny O'Donoghue. I repeat, the male tribute of District Two is Danny O'Donoghue." Malcent repeats frustratedly.
I walk up to the stage, putting on a confident face. Coming from District Two, that is the behaviour expected. Career behaviour. As I reach the stage I look back to the crowd.
"Have we any volunteers?" Malcent beams.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Mark step forward slightly. Before he opens his mouth, I give him a look/glare/stare that means 'Don't you dare do this, you are not risking your life for me.' He looks back at me sadly. I give a slight shake of my head and smile.
"Okay then!" Malcent looks at me then back at Jessie. "Shake hands!"
I turn to Jessie. We shake hands and walk through the doors to the Grand Building of Justice.
I guess the odds just aren't in my favour today.

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