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               Prince Kota is led down a low-ceilinged hallway by a squad of armored stormtroopers. His hands are bound and he is brutally shoved when he is unable to keep up with the briskly
marching troops. They stop in a smoky hallway as Darth Vader emerges from the shadows. The sinister Dark Lord stares hard at the frail young senator, but he doesn't move.

              Lord Vader, I should have known.
                 Only you could be so bold. The
                Imperial Senate will not sit for
             this, when they hear you've attacked
                         a diplomatic...

     Don't play games with me, Your Highness. You weren't on any mercy mission this time. You passed directly through a restricted system. Several transmissions were beamed to this ship by Rebel spies. I want to know What happened to the plans they sent you.

    I don't know what you're talking about. I'm a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan...

              You're a part of the Rebel Alliance...
                  and a traitor. Take him away!

   Kota is marched away down the hallway and into the smoldering hole blasted in the side of the ship. An Imperial Commander turns to Vader.

         Holding him is dangerous. If word of
                this gets out, it could generate
         sympathy for the Rebellion in the senate.

          I have traced the Rebel spies to her. Now he is my only link to find their secret base!

                 he'll die before he tells you

          Leave that to me. Send a distress signal and then inform the senate that all aboard were killed!

Another Imperial Officer approaches Vader and the Commander. They stop and snap to attention.

                         SECOND OFFICER
Lord Vader, the battle station plans are not aboard this ship! And no transmissions were made. An escape  pod was jettisoned during the
fighting, but no life forms were aboard.

               Vader turns to the Commander.

               he must have hidden the plans in
               the escape pod. Send a detachment
                down to retrieve them. See to it
                personally, Commander. There'll be
                       no one to stop us this time.

                                    Yes, sir.

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