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The awesome yellow planet of Tatooine emerges from a total eclipse, her two moons glowing against the darkness. A tiny silver spacecraft, a Rebel Blockade Runner firing lasers from the back of the ship, races through space. It is pursed by a giant Imperial Stardestroyer. Hundreds of deadly laserbolts streak from the Imperial Stardestroyer, causing the main solar fin of the Rebel craft to disintegrate.


An explosion rocks the ship as two robots, R2- D2 and C-3PO struggle to make their way through the shaking, bouncing passageway. Both robots are old and battered. Artoo is a short, claw-armed tripod. His face is a mass of computer lights surrounding a radar eye. Threepio, on the other hand, is a tall, slender robot of human proportions. He has a gleaming bronze-like metallic surface of an Art Deco design.
Another blast shakes them as they struggle along their way.

C3-PO :  Did you hear that? They've shut
down the main reactor. We'll be destroyed for sure. This is madness!

**Rebel troopers rush past the robots and take up positions in the main passageway. They aim their weapons toward the door.**
C3-PO:  We're doomed!

The little R2 unit makes a series of electronic sounds that only another robot could understand.

C3-PO:  There'll be no escape for the
Prince this time.

-Artoo continues making beeping sounds.-

***Tension mounts as loud metallic latches clank and the scream of heavy equipment are heard moving around the outside hull of the ship.***
C3-PO:  What's that?

The Imperial craft has easily overtaken the Rebel Blockade Runner. The smaller Rebel ship is being drawn into the underside dock of the giant Imperial starship.


"The nervous Rebel troopers aim their weapons. Suddenly a tremendous blast opens up a hole in the main passageway and a score of fearsome armored spacesuited stormtroopers make their way into the smoke-filled corridor.
In a few minutes the entire passageway is ablaze with laserfire. The deadly bolts ricochet in wild random patterns creating huge explosions. Stormtroopers scatter and duck behind storage lockers. Laserbolts hit several Rebel soldiers who scream and stagger through the smoke, holding shattered arms and faces.
An explosion hits near the robots."

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