"a-... partner?"

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Thomas POV.

It was a cold winter day in the city.. and I walked around the the streets a little. I hated the cold alot.. this white shit everywhere? Nah this isnt my kind of thing.. as I passed some people someone actually bumped into my shoulder and pushed me back then "god damn it! Watch it okay!" I spoke out while the person just walked past me.

I huffed a little and just continued walking. It was getting late so I went to go back home just to be greeted by a nice smell and a whistling from the kitchen. I smiled softly, I walked up to the kitchen to see my dad cooking a nice meal. Even if I was already 23 years old and could move out, I stayed since I basically work for my father.

My dad Johnathan(or his nickname:"inky" looked at me and smiled "already back so soon? Usually you stay out till midnight" He asked chuckling while I just groan "it's way too fucking cold out there... and I dont really enjoy freezing my ass of!" I joke a little and slowly sit at the dining table.

My dad then set everything up and smiled brightly while his wolf tail wagged a little "I have to tell you something important" he said smiling. I just raised an eyebrow and cross my arms "did your long last husband come back from his mission? Well too bad I already know that" I joked and chuckled, my dad joined in immediately "no no, something a little different" he said and took a seat as well "in the future you will have a new partner for your missions" he spoke out and suddenly puts a file on the table.

I wind my eyes in disbelief "what?! A-.. partner? Dad you should know better then anyone else that I rather work alone.." I spoke out and slowly look into the file. Inky huffed and showed a small nod, he then slowly showed a soft smile again "I know, I know but.. there are too many people out there hunting for you already.. think about it please. His name is Kingston and he is pretty qualified for this job. Tho... I am not quite satisfied with the fact that hes a vampire.. but jack desperately wanted me to give it a shot and maybe hire him as long as you would ..give it a shot?" he said while taking a sip of his glass of water. I huff a little and look through the files while narrowing my eyebrows "so jack wanted him? Then we already know that he will suck" I spit out dry.. I wasn't very interested in having a partner in this lifetime but my dad got a point. The police is searching for me already.. I huffed and pulled out my phone, took a picture of the file and spoke out again "but hey, he does look good at least" i said and shrugged a little while showing my dad a small smirk.. he tho didnt seem to like that statement which I could see by the fact how he looks at me. So I went quiet and place the file back down, sliding it back to my dad "I will try to work with him. But when he pisses me off, I will kick him out of this immediately" I said while looking over to my dad who just nodded "very well, you will meet him tomorrow afternoon. So please dont think about just going out again" he said and dugged in his food. I nod softly and look at my plate, I sure was hungry so I soon did the same. After we were done I helped my dad to clean the dishes and clean the kitchen a bit before walking to my bedroom and say my goodnight on my way there. As soon as I entered it I took a deep breath and went straight to bed.. it was to quiet without my music but my headphones broke and I need to wait till my new once arrived. Tho, i slowly closed my eyes and started to fall asleep

~a little time skip till the afternoon when his partner arrives ~

still thomas POV.

I put on some decent looking clothing while my dad already greeted our newcomer. I wanted to look at least a little decent. In the meantime my dad was already talking with him a little. I huffed as I looked at myself In the mirror. Slowly tracing my hand over my scars.. they imitated me a little so I decided to put on my grey mask but- that didnt look good as well.. but at least better then having a scratched up face in front of you.

After that I nodded at myself in the mirror and went out of my room. Immediately to meet my dad and that Kingston guy who was looking at me a little surprised. Maybe it was the way I looked? I decidedto brush it off for now and narrowed my eyebrows, walking over to them to take a seat right in front of that Kingstonguy who just flashed a smirk at me. Inky saw that and growled a little. He clapped his hands once "alright then, I think you two pretty much know the drill already? You two are from now on going to be working together. And a little warning to you Kingston, if you decide to put your hands on him or let anything happens to my son I wil-" I then just took all my nerves together and interrupted him "dad, i think it wouldn't come this far okay. He seems to be a bad fuck but I dont think that he would do that when I'm the bosses child you know" I said while crossing my arms in front of my chest.

Thanks to the mask, my voice sounded more deeper and more electronic so that Kingstonwont have an idea on how I actually sound like. I can see Kingston looking at me a little surprised which made me wonder if it was the fact that I am the son of the boss or my voice but then he just nodded and agreed" I will make sure your son will come back in one piece" Kingston spoke out.
Inky raising one eyebrow"and?" He asked in a husky voice. Kingston then groaned a little "I wont lay my hands on him" after that inky nodded and I was actuallya little surprisedabout Kingstons voice.. he had a slight British accent which didnt leave my head at all.

after all of this I slowly stood up form my seat and made my way to Kingston's side "alright then mr vampire men. Let's hope for some good teamwork" I said out while I watch Kingston get up as well- I actually wind my eyes on that- that dude was big! I mean- yeah I'm just 5'8" sure but still "Yeah let's hope we wont murder each other" Kingston spoke out and took my hand to give it a good shake. So now were officially partners huh? I cant wait to see him quit himself..

-alright lovelies! This will be the first official chapter I release to this book! Tell me what you think and what I could do better :) and you could always give me small suggestions for what they could do during the story! Well then, that's if for now! See you in the next chapter!-

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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