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Meredith and Cristina talk about their crushes during girl's night.

"You know, I'm in love with Teddy," says Cristina. "I love her."

"You're like Lexie with the inappropriate feelings for inappropriate people," says Meredith.

"What can I say? My heart lives in my scalpel!" says Cristina.

Meredith smiles, as Cristina coaches Teddy.

"You're so into her-" Meredith giggles.

"Person who's still in love with their post-it boyfriend's ex-wife-" says Cristina.

"Shh!" says Meredith.

"Did you know Owen asked her to dinner today? My boyfriend invited my girl crush," says Cristina.

"Whatever," Meredith scoffs.

"You're just jealous because Addison moved to Los Angeles and Derek's never wanted to visit," says Cristina.






***** FIN

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