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UPDATE: 9/6/21 hello loves, if you are opening this chapter for the very first time, I want you to know I re-wrote this chapter (it's the next chapter; the feathered quill).

If you DO NOT like sad chapters, I suggest you stick with this chapter. Keep in mind that the other reason I re-wrote this chapter is Bc it's not my best work.

If you DO LIKE sad chapters then I suggest you skip to the next chapter (the feathered quill) for a more sad experience XD

Either way, the story still follows both of these chapters. Enjoy :)

Okay...I can move my pinky finger....ring's finally wearing off!!
Arm...shoulder...neck...head...other arm...chest...torso...

You slowly opened your eyes as to find yourself on your own bed in your room. You looked straight beside you to see Draco leaned back on your desk chair with his legs resting on your bed sheets, reading a book.

" are so the jealous type." You whispered as Draco's shoe twitched as he immediately took the book out of his face.

You fully sat up as you rubbed your sore eyes. Your entire body was sore, it felt like you exercised for eight hours straight.

"Don't move to much, you're probably a little sore." Draco sighed as he causally went back to reading his book. A few seconds later he immediately slammed his book back on his lap with widened eyes.

"Wait, You were awake out there?" Draco scoffed and shook his head. He seemed impressed. He continued to go back to reading his book.

"Yes! I heard everything you said!" You reached your body out and grabbed the book out of Draco's hands. Draco watched his book as you chucked it across the room.

Your body did not like that. Serval cramps ran along your body as your legs couldn't hold the rest of your body up.

Draco noticed as he caught you as you fell on him.

"Okay, okay." Draco smirked as you opened your mouth in anger.


"Shhshh, don't move! You're going to hurt yourself again." Draco smirked another laugh as he lightly clamped your mouth shut. You rolled your eyes as he sat you back up on your bed.

"It's been like 4 days, Draco. What is going on?" You asked as you slowly lifted you sore hand up moving your hands slowly to stretch each muscle.

"What's going with you and redhead?" Draco ignored your question.

"Seems like you two go way back....

You scoffed.

You remembered what Mattheo said. Even though Theo isn't ideal doesn't mean Fred isn't. Almost a perfect person to make Draco jealous, he's a mystery to our friend group and you could keep it that way. He has a small history with you before the potion incident. It really boiled down to him or Theo.

"I'll tell you if you tell me about Greengrass?" You offered as Draco frowned. You quickly changed the subject.

"You used him, didn't you. To get back at me?" Draco said quickly, you frowned.

"He owed me." You scoffed as you threw the pillow underneath your head at him.

"What's your deal!? You've managed to let a Gryffindor kiss you, admit your sexual fantasies to Enzo-

Draco paused to examine you. Then, he stood stood up angrily as he leaned his head in your face.

Okay, the Enzo situation is extremely exaggerated. But while you were listening your face grew white. Guilt scattered across your cheeks hoping, praying that Theo wouldn't cover this conversation.

The Potion Incident Part 2Where stories live. Discover now