The Chipmunk Effect

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Info// alright, the next two chapter is a story within a story. The bolded texts explains Y/n's experience at last nights party explained by different friends Y/n runs into. I hope you like this!!

"So if Enzo doesn't know anything....then Theo probably doesn't either." You added as you and Mattheo walked along the castle hallways.

"We'll go to the twins first I guess, return the sweater and see if they can give us any information." Mattheo concluded as we both agreed.

"Y/n!?! Mattheo!!"

We both swung our body's around to see Pansy and Blaise running our way. When I say someone looks RATCHET they look RATCHET. Pansy's hair was all fucked up with a pinecone on the back of her head. Her makeup was melt down to her chin. Blaise looked like he experimented with potions for fun. His clothes looked burned and there was an unfamiliar black eye.

We both dropped our mouths opened as they ran to us.

"Does Pansy know she looks like that?" Mattheo whispered to you as you pushed him away.

Before you could say hi to Pansy she dove in and hugged you. You tilted your body back in surprise and fake smiled. Why is she all the sudden so friendly towards you?

"Pansy...what happened last night!" You gasped as you pulled out a makeup wipe in your bag that you were carrying.

"You don't remember anything?" Pansy said, she looked concerned for us when we both shook out head. You stared to clean up Pansy's face.

"I could believe that. Y/n, you were down like 17 shots! In one night! And Mattheo drank two bottles of tequila!" Blaise said as our mouths shot open.

"Tequila? Since when did I get tequila? Should've known it was tequila, I always wake up with someone-

You eyed down Mattheo, signaling him to shut the fuck up.

...aaAA-I mean chipmunk. I always wake up with a chipmunk when I drink tequila." Mattheo terrible saved himself as he confidently went with it.

"A what?" Blaise laughed at Mattheo as he hesitated.

"Uh, It's a metaphor. Could you tell us what happened last night? The last thing I could remember was Enzo singing Miley Cyrus." You shrugged as you finished wiping off Pansy's crusty face.

"Ahh that's when the night started getting good, here. I'll tell you exactly what happened.....

...."PARTY IN THE "SING IT WITH ME NOW" IN THE U . S . AAAAAA. YEAHHHHHHHHHHAAAA THANK YOU AMERICAAAAAEEEEEHHHOO!!!!!!!" Enzo made a finishing scream as everyone sang alone.

Enzo hugged Mattheo as the song ended.

"Gross Enzo!! Get off me!" Mattheo cringed. He's not one for hugs.

You were gone at this point if you remembered. You hugged Theo after dancing with him as he hugged you back. He wrapped his arms around your shoulder and the back of you neck.

"Man, I LOVE BEING DRUNK!" Enzo walked over to you and Theo as he smiled brightly.

"I love you guys, you're so freaking cute together!" Enzo smiled as you scoffed at Theo.

"Do you want to go before Enzo embarrasses us any longer?" Theo asked as you nodded.

"Of course, let's go to the real party!" You clapped your hands together as Theo nodded at Mattheo to come with.

Pansy tagged along with us (or so she said) as we walked up the stairs to the Ravenclaw house.

"Pansy have I ever told you your hair looks cute?" You drunkenly steeped forward to her as her faced brighten with love.

The Potion Incident Part 2Where stories live. Discover now