4.1 where everything crashes

311 7 35

fp: 6/1/21
PART FOUR whoopdeedoo here we go (by the way, time skip)

part four: where everything comes full circle

"Mom," Someone pokes Dinah's side before climbing up on the bed and settling against her, "Mom. Wake up."

Dinah opens an eye, seeing her son laid on top of her and then looks at the clock, "Michael, it's almost six in the morning."

"Okay," Michael says, furrowing his eyebrows and moving his hair out of his face, "but I had a dream and now I can't go back to sleep."

Dinah raises an eyebrow, "Was it scary?"





"Yes!" Michael exclaims, rolling off Dinah and cuddling up to her side, "Can I tell you about it?"

Dinah sighs, she's up now and there's really no going back, "Sure. Do you want breakfast?"

Michael scrambles up, sitting on his knees, "Can we have pancakes?"

"Are you going to be the one making them?" Dinah asks, slowly sitting up.

"I can't cook," Michael retorts, "Neither can you, according to Mama."

"Your mama is rude," Dinah responds quickly, coaxing Michael off of the bed before standing up herself, "Don't listen to a word she says."

Michael crinkles his nose, "That's rude."

"Do you know the saying eye for an eye?" Dinah asks, and Michael shakes his head, following Dinah out of the room.

"Okay, well," Dinah goes into the kitchen and Michael sits at the island, "Basically, all it means is that if your mom is rude to me, I can be rude back."

"But what about two wrongs don't make a right?" Michael asks and Dinah narrows her eyes at him.

"You're not supposed to one up me like that. Tell me about your dream," she responds, getting bacon out of the fridge. They do have like, two extra hours today.

"Okay. I was just going to school, like usual, and when I got on the bus, there were gnomes everywhere. But they looked like my friends, so it was weird," he explains, and Dinah nods as she starts breakfast.

He goes through the whole story as Dinah makes bacon and eggs, something about the gnomes becoming his friends and at the end, he mentions a wedding.

"Who was getting married?" Dinah clarifies, setting a plate in front of Michael.

"You and Mama. You both had the pretty white dresses that Mila talks about all the time and you had purple flowers and she had pink flowers and Lo and Mila were there and so was Clara and Tarzan and Thunder, everyone was there. It was so cool!" Michael explains, and Dinah swallows a lump in her throat.

Michael eats his food, seemingly oblivious to Dinah's reaction. She picks a piece of bacon up off her plate and eats it, watching as the coffeemaker does its thing and makes her coffee. She knows all too well that she's going to need it today.

"Mom?" Michael asks, snapping her out of her staring contest with the coffeemaker.

"What's up?" Dinah asks, looking back at him.

"When's Mama getting home? I miss her," he asks, and Dinah smiles softly at him.

"She's getting home tonight, bud," she retrieves her now full mug from the coffeemaker, "I'd suggest calling her, but I don't think she'll be so kind if we're waking her up at three in the morning her time."

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