epilogue: where it all comes to an end

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fp: 6/22/21
holy shit we're here... happy birthday dinah!!

nine years later

"Ask him out."

Michael shakes his head, "Absolutely not. We're just friends."

"Gay friends. Who have crushes on each other," his best friend, Jordan, points out, and Michael quirks an eyebrow, staying silent. Jordan shakes their head, "Pansexual. Whatever. You're such an idiot."

"Thanks," Michael retorts, moving forward with the lunch line, "Are you going to dye your hair again?"

"Yes. Now stop changing the subject," Jordan says, running their hand against the shorter part of their hair. Their face lights up, "Oh my god, ask him out now and you can pick my next hair color."

"Love the motivation," Michael responds, grabbing a tray of food for himself. Jordan seems placated and Michael smiles obnoxiously, "Still not doing it."

"Ugh, you're the worst," Jordan groans, grabbing their tray and following Michael to the payment area, "You and Ryan are both the worst. I could be setting you up with the love of your life and you won't take it."

"This is high school!" Ryan exclaims, pulling his ID out of his pocket, "My moms got lucky that they met in high school but it still took them six years to start dating."

"Camila and Lauren dated in high school. You're practically related to them, that has to count for something," Jordan retorts as Michael scans his ID.

He thanks the cashier before waiting for Jordan to do the same and responds, "They broke up in Camila's senior year."

"They got back together! God, why do I know these stories better than you do?" Jordan says, walking alongside Michael back to their table.

"You don't know them better, you're just obsessed with Lauren and Camila. And then you wonder why I haven't let you meet them," Michael says, putting his tray down on the table and sliding his backpack off. "Hey, Ryan."

"Hello," Ryan smiles slightly at them, "What's lunch today?"

"Gross and gross with a side of gross," Jordan responds, sitting down next to Michael, "Ugh. I should run for senior class president and order that we get better food."

"You're the one that bought a corn dog that's past due, dipshit," Michael says, "By the way, from the current class president, we barely have enough pull to organize a good student gathering, let alone have any decision in the food."

"And as vice president, he's not lying," Ryan adds, and Michael snorts.

"I hate you both."


Michael pushes open the front door, smiling when he smells dinner cooking. He puts his soccer bag and backpack down and kicks off his shoes, hearing a Hello through the house.

"Hey," Michael walks into the kitchen, smiling when he sees Normani cooking something, "What's for dinner?"

"Where have you been?" Normani asks, "Jordan's or Ryan's?"

Normani watches him for a second, "Why do I even ask? You were at Ryan's."

Michael avoids eye contact, "Where's Mom?"

"You're avoiding the topic," Normani says teasingly, "She should be home soon. I'm surprised you got back before she did."

"Ryan's dad got back from a business thing, so they're doing family dinner," Michael shrugs, "Where's Aliyah?"

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