My cold- brew order

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I'm currently a high school student working nights; yes I'm partly crazy, and no I'm not in denial, at least for this one thing. oops. One thing that's gets me through these tough nights is the new cold brew coffee. It's perfect, because it's too hot for a normal warm coffee, and constantly drinking the same iced capp each night is lame, so I shake it up a bit with the cold brew.

But I'm not the only crazy one lately. For the last couple of nights, when I was working the drive thru this guy will drive up every night around 2 in the morning and also order a cold brew! I didn't know why, but apparently I will find out in the future...

In the future - (Like 24 hours)

At the end of my shift, When taking out the trash I saw the guy going through the drive thru. When we made eye contact, he gets out of the drive thru, and pulls into a parking spot.

I go back inside to continue taking orders at the counter. When I'm about to shut down my till  the dude from before comes up to me, without even saying hello, he asks for 3 medium cold brews with a shot of chocolate, and asks to get them whipped too. I ring him up ignoring his lack of manners, I start makings his cold brews. I set them out on the counter, the guy only takes two cold drinks and leaves, leaving one behind.

At the end of my shift I punch out, grab the last cold brew, and run after the guy.

I get to his car trying to give him his last drink. He takes it from me, his delicate fingers skimming my hand as he takes the cup from me. He reaches over into his center console to grab something, he opens the cap of what looks like a sharpie, he leans back over the window, asking me my name, as if he is a Starbucks barista.

"My name is Skye"

He uses his sharpie to write Skye on the cup. He then turns to me to announce,

" Whipped cold Brew with a shot of chocolate order for an Skye?"

He hands me the cup again, saying,

" I actually got it for you, you're cute."

"How did you know my add ins?"

" I figured if it wasn't your order you would try something new, and find out you like it anyways. Kinda like a new man...? can I get your number by any chance?"

" Umm ya. and actually, your in luck; I love the shot of chocolate." I gave him my number and he said he would call me later. He then left telling me he wanted to deliver the second cold brew to his mom before it got warm. With that he left with a cute first impression. I got a meet-cute!

My cold-brew cutieWhere stories live. Discover now