Part 5

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Mistletoe - Part 5

Once Drew pulled up to his house or rather mansion May jumped out as quickly as possible.

Her goal this morning was to forget all about the things that makes her sad, but instead it came to her.

She was angry. No, furious. Not at Drew but, herself.

If only I never said anything last time. If only I had been more careful. If only...I hadn't been so naive...this wouldn't have happened...would it?

She spared a quick glance at him to find him starting back at her. His eyes burning 2 holes into her skull.

Heh, I've always had a thick skull.

"Are we going in or are we going to be standing here all day?" May asks,"School starts in 2 hours. Why don't we come back later?" She suggested, hopeful tone evident in her voice.

Drew rolled his eyes and grabbed a hold if May's arm. He quickly lead her to the gate of the house and opened it.

"Welcome Master Drew." A group of maids and butlers chorused all together, and bowed down.

Drew simply ignored them and continued to drag May to the ballroom.

"Hey!" May protested,"Let go of me!"

"I can walk by myself thank you very much." She huffed sarcastically.

His face clearly shows a tinge of annoyance but he skillfully masked that.

"Gary." He called out to his friend. "Teach this child how to dance." He says and gave May a push.

Even though Drew's push wasn't that hard May somehow found herself stumbling into Gary the instructor. "Sorry," She quickly apologized and backed away. She then turned aunt sharply to glare at Drew,"What was that for?!"

He rolled his eyes,"You weren't going to budge. So I decided to take things into my own hands."

May took a deep breath,"Listen here-"

"I am listening." He interrupts.

She glared at him,"School is very precious to me. And I would like to not waste my time by doing some meaningless activity."

"Meaningless you say?" He scoffed and narrowed his eyes,"You better watch what you say to high societies."

May's eyes widened.

Right...he's one of the higher classes. One of the noble classes. can I forget that?

May ducked her head in embarrassment but made no move to apologize for her actions.

He sighed and walked out.

May scowled at his retreating figure.

Arrogant brat!

She heard a chuckle. "Indeed he is a arrogant brat as you so nicely phrased it."

Did she say that out loud?

"Yes you did say that out loud. And that too."

She turned around to find the guy named Gary,"Oh sorry I-" She paused, how do I tell someone that I had forgotten their presence?!

" should know that a lot has happened that caused him to be the arrogant brat he is now." He said slowly.

May was surprised. Did I something really happen?

Gary suddenly broke into a grin,"Now let's dance! Shall we..."

May shook her head stubbornly,"No we shall not!" She announced.

"Oh come one! Etiquette is fairly easy."

"Shut up! It's easy for you!"

Gary rolled his eyes,"Your being really difficult right now."

May smiled,"I've been told that a lot. By a lot of people."

Gary sighed,"Just shut up, suck it up, and follow my lead!" Gary cried and grabbed May. Finally he got her in the starting position.

"Alright. Now we shall dance the night away!" He exclaimed with a amused glint in his forest green eyes.

May groaned.

"We haven't even started it yet!"

"Shut up!"

"Alright. Alright. Quite feisty aren't you..."


"Alright. Alright."

And that my friends is how May spent an hour stepping on Gary's toes. She enjoyed it quite well, too.
I'm sorry if I made Gary a bit OOC...anyways as usual. Please vote and comment.

Next update would either be next week or the week after that if I so happened to update Forever and Always.

See you all in the next chapter.


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