Part 2: Ain't nothing but a tease

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Ashley's pov:

That damn girl, she teased me to the point of no return and now here I- "Ashley, dude what are you doing on the floor?" I looked up to see CC, I gulped and stood up re-adjusting my towel that was wrapped around my waist.

"Um... Someone took my bunk!" I pointed to the bunk that was now occupied by Rinay, CC nodded "and im assuming she used her voice?" He smirked..

That voice... It sounded sort of British, but not like propper British like sexy British; just hearing that freaking voice of hers would drive me insane, how the others aren't effected I will never know!

I nodded slowly then looked down, fuck not again! I ran towards the bathroom, I think its time for shower numbero dos.

Rinay's pov:

I yawned and rolled over in my bunk after my little cat nap, I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the time... Oh maybe my now so little cat nap... The time when I landed was around 11AM and now it's 9PM, what can I say I'm an amazing sleeper?

I opened my curtain and moved my legs so they were over the edge dangling down, suddenly I felt a tugging on my ankle and before I could say anything I was dragged into the bunk underneath me.... Thinking it was Andy I went to say hello but instead my eyes met the dark and mysterious eyes of Ashley's, who was now only in boxers which is slightly better then just a towel I guess, although they're pretty much the same thing in this case.

"Stolen a new bunk I see?" I asked raising an eye brow, he chuckled and looked down before glancing upwards again. I sighed, "what is it Ash?" He blushed slightly, I rolled my eyes "well if your not going to tell me I might as well leave!" I began climbing out of the bunk,

"Wait." He muttered I turned back to him and saw him sitting crossed legged on his bunk, I climbed back in. "Ash just tell me what you wanted, please!" I asked, he gulped and began rubbing his neck awkwardly;

"Umm.... Well," he paused, "you see... Under your bunk is something that belongs to me... That I want." I reached up under my mattress to feel something slippery, eww not like that you pervert, like as in a magazine...

What did you think it was?

On second thoughts, don't answer that...

Gees, perverted people, your worse then Ashley.

I pulled the 'magazine' down, to see a stack of three Play boy magazines, I shrugged, "where you nervous about me finding these?" I asked putting two magazines in his lap and keeping one in my hand. I looked up seeing that he was nodding some what slowly, I smirked, "you know I was in play boy once," his eyes widened as his jaw dropped.

"You-you, were?" I lowered my head, "yes, yes I was!" I lifted the magazine in my hand up, "and this, my dear Ashley is a friend of mine, and as you can see she is very very hot!" I pointed to the bleach blonde haired girl in red underwear on the cover, Ashley nodded, "very... Hot!" He muttered, I rolled my eyes,

If I'm honest I don't know her but for the sake of this conversation let's say I do because what Ashley doesn't know can't hurt him! ;)

"You know your pervertedness doesn't really bother me, I just want to know why your so timid about it with me, with everyone else your all high and mighty but with me you seem like a mouse!" He blushed a light tint of pink.

Then suddenly the bunks curtain opened revealing CC, wearing trousers.. I mean pants! Ugh I've been in England too fucking long!! Gees, "hey Ash... Wow are you guys reading play boy!" He raised and eye brow, I smirked

"Nope just telling Ash about my play boy experience, can't believe you never told him cees!" I hit his shoulder and stood up getting out of the bunk, leaving them to discus whatever it was they needed to discus.

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