Weasley Wizard Wheezes

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"I don't understand what suddenly came over them," said ron gazing at the busy twins who are currently handing wonder witch products to a group of girls.

The common room has never been this loud before. Some people are borrowing Wildfire Wiz-bangs (fireworks).

Hermione didn't found this very approving, she glared at ron. "What can I do?" He said.

"Come on Hermione, have some fun, it's always not about rules." Harry defended the twins.

"Harry's right" agreed ron.

On the other side of the room, fred and George shouted "No love potions!" to Romilda Vain.

"Why not?" She protested. "We have them, we are not selling them to anyone here," said fred sternly.

"Fine!" She shrieked "give me that toffee," she said pointing to Ton-Tongue Toffees.

Fred and George grinned to each other "with pleasure" they said and handed her the toffee.

Unaware of the effect of toffee she ate it. Just in a minute, her tongue swells up to ten times its normal size. All the people who watched her doubled with laughter along with her friends.

"Ba..yu..th.." She cried out but no meaningful words came out of her weird mouth now.

"Don't worry Romilda, it will only last for an hour" said George patting her shoulder. She wailed.

They escaped from there and saw Neville using one of their wands. 'Not a good idea, Neville" they thought but didn't stop him. Rather they smirked to themselves.

Neville hoped this is a better wand which would help him to learn spells easily, but it ended up being the opposite.
That wand turned into a rubber haddock, Neville instantly squealed and fell on a girl.

The twins were enjoying the chaotic common room and lastly reached to the golden trio.

"Hello there Ronniekins," They said at the same time settling next to him on the couch. "Of course and his girl" They teased mione making her roll eyes.

"And our favourite brother in law" they teased harry. He immediately jerked.

"What?" Ron looked confused whilst Hermione looked at harry sharply.

"Nothing ron, you know fred and George and their bunch of crap" harry covered and glared at the twins.

Ron nodded "you surely improved your products"

"Indeed we did," said fred.

"Want to try some?" Asked George.

"We're good," said Hermione instantly.

"Come on, we've didn't show these to anyone yet."

" These are no harm-"

"yet awesome product"

"It's hard to believe you pranksters" ron shook his head.

"Ron's right," said harry.

"Alright then, we're doing this first"

They opened a box of sweets with different flavours and colours each.

They peeked at the trio who are staring at them. "Here you go fred" George handed a sweet to fred.

"Here you go George" fred gave one to George.

After eating the sweet, the trio gazed at them. It's been two minutes and nothing happened.

"Why isn't anything happening? Is this some kind of trick?" asked ron with disbelief.

The twins looked at each other "hello ron sweetie" came out the voice of Hermione from George's mouth.

"Hi, darling mione" came out Ron's voice from fred.

The golden trio looked shocked. "Bloody hell-" ron is interrupted by the ongoing conversation between twins.

"I love you, Hermione. I think about you every day and every time before I go to bed" mocked fred.

"Awww Ronnie kins, I love you too.
Muah... Muah" George flew a kiss.

Hermione and Ron are beat red and stunned that they couldn't able to talk but listen to the twins, both ignoring each other's eye contact.

Fred shortly knelt on the ground "will you marry me Hermione jean Granger?" He asked through chuckles.

"I will marry you million times Ronald Billius Weasley," said George and burst into laughter.

Harry couldn't control himself too. He was rolling on the floor laughing so hard.

"Shut up, you two!" Flushed ron.

"Why Ronnie? Want a kiss?" Asked George in Hermione's voice.

"That's enough now! We understood what those sweets do" said Hermione.

"Good," said the twins with their original voice spitting up the sweets. 

"Want to try potter?" Asked fred.

"Sure" Harry shrugged.

George smiled evilly and handed harry a sweet. Harry chewed it and he's afraid to talk wondering what he would sound like.

"Say something, mate," said ron curiously.

Harry cleared his throat and muttered "hi" but no can hear it.

Fred took harry's hand and pinched him.
"Oww" shouted in a girls voice.

The twins and ron guffawed whilst Hermione tried to hide her laugh.

"Whose...voice is...that?" Managed ron in between grinning.

"This isn't funny guys," said harry. Immediately they recognised the voice.

"Ginny!?" Said ron, mione and harry at the same time. It only made them laugh more except for harry.

Fred and George leaned near harry's ear and whispered "you don't have to throw it you know, you can protect it and use it whenever you want" they winked.

Harry glared at them and walked away.

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