Chapter 5 - New Friends!

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As Jonathan fell onto the ground and breaks the table. You went up to him worriedly as Frank went to you both, look quite mad. As Drac quickly went to between Jonathan and him.

Frank -
" who, is that? "
He ask as he points at the both of you.

Jonathan -
" oh, are these monsters gonna kill us? "
He whispered to Dracula as he holds you close.

Dracula -
" not as long they think you're a monster "
He whispered back.

Y/n -
" that sounds kinda racist "
You whispered dissapointedly.

Dracula -
" we'll talk later "
As Jonathan started mimicking like Frankenstein while you just watches him dumbfounded.

Frank -
" is he making fun of me? "

Dracula -
" no, no! Of course, he's not. Because they're... "

Mavis -
" they're your cousins! Johnnystein and Y/n! Well, she's adopted "
She said, sitting behind them.

Dracula -
" yes yes yes! "
He said as he pats both you and Jonathan's shoulders.

Frank -
" I don't have, no cousins "

Dracula -
" no no, you do. They're your sixth cousins. Three times removed. "

Jonathan -
" on your right arm's side! "

Frank -
" you have cousin? "
He asked his right arm.

Dracula -
" Frank, if your arm could talk. He would tell you that the original owner of your arm had a brother. "

Jonathan -
" who married a woman and adopted a winged child? "

Dracula -
" who was faith. "

Jonathan -
" for strangling a pig! "

Frank -
" I have pigs strangling blood in my arm and has a winged cousin?! That's kind of cool..! Well cous, great to meet you! "
He shakes your both's hands aggressively. Which make Mavis giggles.

Griffin -
" so what brings you here? "

Jonathan -
" ah! What was that! "
He jumped and bumped onto you as you both look around.

Griffin -
" oh, sorry. I should really clear my throat before I speak "
As a floating pair of glasses went to the other side.
" anyways, what brings you both here? "

Jonathan -
" oh... Uh... Party? Planners? "

Dracula -
" yes! I have recruited Mr. Uh.... Stein and Miss Y/n here to help me... With Mavis's birthday party! "

Murray -
" wait a minute, you? Ask someone to help you? "

Wayne -
" Captain Control Freak? "

Dracula -
" it's Count, and yes. I thought having a Mavis contemporaries would be useful "

Y/n -
" mhm! "

Jonathan -
" Yea! He totally needed a fresher perspective! "
He said jokingly as he look at Drac.

Wayne's eyes widened in surprise.
" okay, Johhny and Y/n. Mr Tight Coffin over here was planning to have these powdered lamo's play at the party. "
He said as the zombie musicians look down, sadly.

Frank -
" so anyways, we thought we could liven things up a bit! "
He said as he wrapped his hand around Wayne and Murray as they smiles.

Jonathan -
" whoa! You all play? Let's check you guys out! "
He said as he holds you hand. And you both decided to see how they plays. But the beats was slow and kinda boring. As you tried not to act rude and kept your smile on.

Jonathan -
" whoa whoa hold on guys, stop. That's cute but kind of old school. "

Dracula -
" yes, thank you. Johnny "

Jonathan -
" you gotta totally tempo things up! Here let me show you. "
He said as he snatches Murray's guitar and went to the stage.
" werewolf man! Give me a jam! Watch carefully, Y/n! "

" two three four! "

As the song start. It was spice which you really likes it as you clapped your hands. As you heard the lyrics, it was about him complimenting Mavis and yelled her ages.

" 118! "

" 118! "

Jonathan cheered as he gives the guitar bafk to Murray and jumps off the stage. As you flies to him and holds him on the air.

Jonathan -
" awesome. And thanks, sis. "
You smiles as you lands on the floor. And Mavis went up to you guys.

Mavis -
" I am so blown away right now! "

Frank went up to you as he picked you both up.
" I think my cous is gonna make this. The best. Party. Ever!! "

Murray -
" Yea! Maybe he can find a way to get me! "
As the monster started cheering for you both. Bur then Dracula floats to the air as he yells

Dracula -
" we're not doing any of that! We've got to stay on schedule, alright? "

Mavis -
" alright, dad. Alright! Johnny, Y/n. You're coming too! "
As the monster continue to cheers for you guys again. Which makes Dracula frowned.

The next, bingo. It's boring. But you have to play it. As you rest your head on your hand tried to think something else more interesting. Drawing.

You flipped the paper around and got a pen from nowhere as you started to draw on it. You draw your biological parent like the way you imagine. You look at your parent as you smiles softly and sadly at them, tears forming in your eyes as you quickly wipes them away before they started rolling down.

Eunice -
A female Frankenstein yelled as she puts her hand on air in excitement. But the gremlin beside eats her paper.

Eunice -
" how dare you! Do you know what doctor made me? "

The gremlins -
" I didn't do that "
She said tried to sounds like she's innocent as you quietly giggles at that scene.

And another boring Activity, Charade. You watched the monster tried to guess what they're acting like as you ruffled your wing in boredom. And by the way, you sits beside Johhny. As you sees the Hydra tried to guess what's Griffin acting like. Unfortunately, he's invisible. And only his glasses moving around. He groaned.

Griffin -
" I stinks at this "

Johhny huffed in boredom. He has an idea as he tapped your shoulder and went to his backpack and grabs his scooter. As you and him slide around the place on the scooter. As Johhny spins his scooter around. He has successfully liven things up as you clapped your hands in joy.

Then next is Murray. Who's like a baby riding a bicycle on the scooter. And then... A hand? A bunch of wolves kids, glad they didn't eat the scooter. And then a giant yeti's places it's feet on the scooter. But makes he slipped as he feels backwards and lands onto a zombie as you winced. Mavis and you giggles, Dracula gasped.

The scooter slide to the gremlin and she ate it. The fun has end as you mentally pouted.

" I didn't do that "

- ends

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