Breaking Barriers

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Hey guys it's Izzy. Sorry I haven't updated in forever. I send my deepest apologizes. School and other stuff has kept me a lot busier than I thought, but 2nd trimester just ended so hopefully I will be able to update a lot more. Just a reminder this story used to be called The Shadow Walker but I have changed it to The Hybrid, and you'll find out why very soon. I just changed the direction of this story just a tensy bit and I needed to change the name in order for me to do that. Sorry for the change, but I hope you can forgive me. Enjoy this next chapter! And thank you for almost 100 reads xD



        "Get in there and don't give me any reason to bring you back out." The guards threw me back into the cell very ungracefully. The cold cement floor, however, made my burning skin feel ten times better.

        "Oh my god Sorin are you okay? I'm going to kill Hane when I get the chance." Asher had known me for barely a day he already had my back.

        "I'm fine Asher, but can you help me sit up? My back hurts like hell." He had a much nicer touch than the guards or Hane did, and he gently propped me up against the cool wall, which helped to soothe my skin even further. Sitting there against the wall I thought about everything that happened in the past few days. The day before yesterday I was still in New York, roaming the streets that I had familiarized myself with over the past five years and I realized that I didn't know if I would ever see them again.

        I let out a shaky breath and started laughing a little in light of the situation. I was stuck in some government facility hundreds of miles away from my home and I all I could think about was the place that I was excommunicated to.

        "You okay Sorin? Are you really okay?"

        "Yeah Asher I'm fine. A little beat up, no thanks to Hane for that, but I'm really okay. Did they treat you nice while I was gone? If they didn't then they're going to have a little hell to pay with me." I caught the briefest of smiles on his lips before his face turned serious again. I guess he knew that I had his back too, which was exactly what I wanted him to know. He had my back and I had his. Two Shadow Walkers made the best team.

        "Hey Asher, before I forget, how did you learn how to use your Walker powers?"

        "Oh, I had a great teacher. He taught me everything I knew before he disappeared into the blue one day." His expression turned somber for a moment and then returned to his usual Asher 'nothing bothers me' face.

        "But if you want someone to teach you anything about your powers I'm your guy."

        "I appreciate it, and yes I need someone to teach me. I know you said that you can't access the Shadow World from here, but can you still manipulate the shadows here? In this world?"

        "I've never really tried but I would assume that I can. There's no harm in trying right?"

        I've never really been able to fully master the manipulation of the shadows part of our Shadow Walker powers, but I've gotten it to work a couple times. Having no one to properly teach me, I didn't really know how to start using it. That was what I hoped Asher could teach me. I hoped he could teach me that and a lot more.

        Asher closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Nothing happened for the first couple seconds but then the shadows from the corners of the room started moving towards him ever so slowly. Beads of sweat broke out on his forehead and he breathed out rapidly and lost concentration. As soon as he opened his eyes the shadows darted back to their corners faster than the blink of an eye.

        "It takes so much more energy to do it in here but I could tell that it was working for a few seconds there. I guess it's just that whatever they have this room covered in to keep me from going into the Shadow World is weakening the powers that I have here. I can still show you how to do it, but you won't have an example. I hope that's okay."

        "That's more than okay. Whatever you did to the shadows looked pretty sweet. I don't care if it takes all day or all month I want to learn everything there is about being a Shadow Walker."

        And that was all that we did for the rest of the day. After I rested up for a little bit and gathered my strength back, Asher began to show me how to concentrate on bringing the shadows to me. He had me stand in the center of the room and close my eyes, breathing slowly like he did to keep concentration. It took a lot of tries, and I failed majorly a lot of those times, but I was finally able to surround myself completely in the shadows. Asher also taught me how to use the shadows as an extension of my body. If I concentrated hard enough I could create a shadowy hand in front of me that would move just like my own hand moved, but it could move around the room a lot more freely then mine could. Having a teacher was a lot better than trying to figure everything out on my own.

        For the next week all Asher and I did was practice Shadow Walker things. Hane stopped by occasionally to just see what we were doing. I was pretty sure that he had cameras monitoring us 24/7, but he just stopped by to remind us that he was still here. Besides Hane's weekly drop bys, Asher taught me a lot more Walker powers. He taught how to create things out of shadow, and I ended up making a little toy helicopter that I flew around with my mind. There were plenty of other things that I had to learn about being a Shadow Walker, but with a capable teacher I could learn a lot more than I could on my own. 

        What I never expected to happen was exactly what happened after that week. Asher and I were practicing more Shadow Walker powers when we heard frantic running coming down the hall. The lock on our cell door was ripped off by a hand of shadows, and in the doorway stood a girl. A girl I hadn't seen in years.

        "Come on Sorin. We don't have much time."

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