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She was walking through the sunflowers' field. She's never been here. The sun looked beautiful dragging along its golden rays, shining and lightening each sunflower's petals. They were swaying along with the wind and following the sun till the end of days.

The sight was breathtaking and the wind was tickling her face, her hair flying behind her. She always dreamed to be here, alone in this heaven. The sky was a mix of oranges, blues and yellows. This had to be painted; too bad she doesn't carry any of her art supplies. She looked down and found herself in her apron, the one she uses at the bakery…Only it was bloodied. Unconsciously, she touched the side of her head, her hand trembling because she found exactly what she expected: blood was dripping, then a lot more and now her hands are bloody, her apron carries her own blood. What's happening? Why is she here?

"Ophelia!" A very familiar voice called out her name. She started shaking  so badly, it couldn't be him. It can't be. Why and how was he here? Shit, she was about to cry, tears were already forming in her eyes. She pulled at the hem of her sweater and furiously wiped her tears away. She refuses to look weak in front of him again. Him who ruined her more than anyone else ever did and for what? Love? Was love supposed to make us feel miserable? Has it all been one huge lie? Does it only happen in Disney fairytales? Because what she has gone through could have been anything other than love. She was sure this isn't how it usually goes. Surely, some people have happy endings but would she get hers?

"Baby, come on. You know you can’t ignore me forever pumpkin." She felt her heart pumping through her chest, not with blood but rather hatred toward this guy. She gritted her teeth so hard; they could break when she heard him call her those nicknames. He had no right; he had no right at all to call her with that damn nickname again…That nickname he would use before hell broke loose, before he did shit and before she forgave him for this same shit.

"- What the hell do you want Arlo? Do not use that damn nickname again or I swear to God I will actually kill you. She threatened him, finally finding the courage to turn around and look into his blue eyes.

- Did you really think you could get rid of me Ophelia? You know I'm your past, present and future. I'm a part of you: who you were, who you are and who you will forever be. You will forever be an ugly fat bitch. I did nothing and you know that. You were already insecure before we dated; you weren't giving me enough attention. You were too whiny, too dumb, and too chubby.

- Stop talking! Stop talking you asshole! How can you actually justify your actions? You cheated on me, you physically abused me! I ended up in the hospital because of you. My arms still carry the bruises you left on me. Do you know how much this hurts? Every time I look into the mirror and see them, I'm disgusted by my own body more than I ever was. I hate you, I've wanted to kill you and I've thought about it countless times.

- Oh but you don't, love. You don't really hate me. You just made yourself  believe that but I know the truth Ophelia. You're just as sick as I am because after everything I've done, you still want me, you're still attracted to me, and you still look at me." He says approaching her till he was close, too close, too dangerous. He forcefully grabbed her hands, pulling her towards him. Even though she was shit scared, she refused to break the eye contact; she refused to show weakness because she's already shown him enough during their relationship. She challenged him with her menacing gaze, daring him to do more, her hands wrestling against his trying to break free of his grip but he was stronger than her, as he always was. Suddenly, she felt a cold metal against her hands and when she glanced down, she found a knife. She doesn't know how she got hold of it and she's not sure if she's always had it or it just popped out of nowhere but she wasted no time. She didn't think about it, she didn’t even blink. She just plunged it through him; his eyes widened in realization of what she's done and then he dropped dead.

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