
15 1 9

Ophelia and Sabrina were bickering as usual about how and where to display the different pastries they just finished baking and Mrs. Alice was watching them with a smile etched on her lips. It was a quiet morning in the bakery and the bell just chimed for the first time signaling the presence of today's first customer. All three looked up in the same time to be met with the most captivating pair of green eyes.

The mysterious guy politely greeted Mrs. Alice then walked towards Ophelia and Sabrina, both behind the counter, very mesmerized still. They couldn't even form a coherent response when he greeted them as well; and they ended up murmuring something unrecognizable which made their cheeks redden in embarrassment and the guy smiled, dimples engraved in his cheeks.

"- Yeah, I often have that effect on women but please feel free to speak anytime now because I kind of need to buy some of those deliciously looking pastries. He jokes, lightening up the mood and succeeding in making them smile.

- Oh no sir, we weren't looking at you. Pfft that's ridiculous, isn't it Ophelia? Sabrina asks nudging her with her elbow which made Ophelia wince in pain because God forbid Sabrina was so strong.

- Aha, yeah sure. We totally weren't. We were just discussing something important. Uh…we kind of know someone who looks exactly like you! Yeah, that's it! That's why we were surprised, we just thought you're him" Ophelia is very proud of her smooth and fast lie and she mentally pats herself on the back for the save. He, however, apparently found it very amusing and smirked but didn't comment thankfully.

"Alright ladies whatever you say. Now, I need two of these chocolate frosted cupcakes and two of these very good looking cinnamon rolls with cheese frosting please." Sabrina goes to pick up and fold the paper box whilst Ophelia picked up his order on a plate and waited patiently for Sabrina to be back, trying to avoid the stranger's eyes.

"- I'm Harry by the way. He says mindlessly playing with the rings he had on.

- I'm Ophelia and this is my friend Sabrina and over there Mrs. Alice.

- Alice, huh? He chuckles clearly catching up on the whole "Alice in Wonderland" joke.

- Yeah, have you seen anything more original?

- I actually haven't. It's very nice though and quite funny too."

Sabrina is finally back with the box and Ophelia arranges the cupcakes and cinnamon rolls neatly in the box, handing them to Harry.

"That will be 8.50£."

Harry picks up his wallet from the back pocket of his pants and gives Ophelia the money, accidentally dropping a card. Ophelia picks it up from the counter, curiously checking it. The name "Harry Styles" stood out to her and had "therapist" written under it, along with the address and phone number.

"- Hey, are you a therapist?

- Yeah, I am. Are you one of those people who are freaked out by therapists?

- No, not at all. If anything, I would like to schedule an appointment with you.

- Sure, keep the card and I'll give you my personal phone number too."

After saving the number on her phone, Harry wishes them a good day and
leaves. It is safe to say he came way more often to the bakery after that one visit. He said the cupcakes and cinnamon rolls were too delicious to resist. Sabrina developed a hard crush on him and she thought he may have been coming so often to see her; but then she noticed the way he engaged in conversations with Ophelia more than her, making her smile and laugh all the
time. The way he stared at her like she was the only thing that mattered was enough to reveal it all and from that moment on, Sabrina's crush on Harry just vanished. However, Ophelia was too naïve to notice; she just wasn't that good at taking hints and Sabrina wished she could really see because she thinks they would make a really cute couple, especially that Harry knew all the details about her past relationship being her therapist. When she asked Harry about it and he admitted, he made her swear she wouldn't tell Ophelia anything, she wouldn't even hint at it.
Ophelia had spent all Sunday morning trying to come up with a concept for
her new assignment, but she was clearly failing miserably. Her mind felt like a maze and she couldn't think straight; she hasn't touched the mirror ever since yesterday. In fact, she wrapped it again in the handkerchief, careful as to not look at it because she's still afraid of what she might see and she wants to ask Charlotte about it first before trying anything. She hid it in one of her drawers as she didn't want her mum to find it during one of her snooping adventures in her room. Ophelia hated the lack of privacy she possessed in this house: her mum thought she had the right to snoop around because she wanted to make sure her daughter was okay or so she claims. Ophelia decided she will move out once she's graduated; she's saved up enough money to rent a studio flat for herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2021 ⏰

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