Chapter 6: The Village of Soaring Winds

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Kikyo and Itachi walked in their own toward their next destination, the Village of Soaring Winds. As they walked through the forest path, the trees coming towards them were dark, leafless trees as their branches are being stepped on by countless amounts of crows as they squak, warning a passer of this path. Itachi walked behind Kikyo.

Suddenly, a crow flew into Itachi's shoulder. Itachi looks at the crow sitting on his left shoulder. The crow was messing with his piercings. The crow bit his ear and started to pull it.

Itachi yells,"Ow,ow,ow,ow,ooow"?!

Itachi leaves it alone for a while. The crow stops. He later pokes the crow with his finger. The crow bites his finger and doesn't let go. Itachi wags his finger trying to get him off.

Itachi was saying,"Ow,ow,ow,ow,ow". Itachi grabs the crow with his hand the crow bit. Itachi said,"hah". The crow bites his hand. Itachi lets go of the crow. The crow flies away.

Kikyo and Itachi passed the path, they came across the entrance to the village. Kikyo holding the map soon lowered it so she would see their destination. "We're here, the Village of Soaring Winds". Itachi looks around at the quiet yet lifeless surroundings of the village, not a breeze of wind came across their faces, the sky was a dark cloudy, as it looks as it's about to downpour. "It doesn't look like the Village of Soaring Winds to me", Itachi said.

They heard footsteps coming from their direction. It was an man with wings of a dove but were gray as the cloudy sky.

He ran to Itachi and grabbed his shoulders pulling him toward him,"Tell me boy, are you a swordsman"? Itachi was speechless.

Kikyo said it for him,"Yes actually, he is". The man lets go of Itachi.

The man said,"The King's been waiting for a swordsman like you to come by these parts of the village, something has gone terribly wrong about the sky"!

Itachi questions,"What happened to the sky"?

The man continues,"The sky's disappeared the same way it did 20 million years ago, Alcaida must have been awaken from his eternal sleep"!

Itachi questions,"Alcaida"? The man answers,"Alcaida, the demon master, Brother of the King, he lives in the temple not far from here. He's been awakened to spread darkness into the village once more".

Itachi says to him,"How can we help your village"?

The man grabbed Itachi's left hand and pull him trying to make him follow the man. "The King will tell you, he informed me only to tell you the situation we're in. Just follow me and I'll lead you to the King". The man went in such a hurry Itachi had a hard time since he's grabbing onto his wrist really tight as he hurries through the gates of the village. Itachi was running as the man was doing and made the traveling easier. Kikyo however, behind them she barely caught up with them.

"Hold up"! Kikyo shouted as she was swinging her arms as she tries to catch up.

The man hears Kikyo shout, the man did as Kikyo said and stopped for a moment.

As he stopped Itachi was trying to in-sync his running but as soon as the man stopped Itachi tried to stop as he almost tripped onto the man. Itachi was relieved he didn't hit him.

Soon Kikyo catches up with them, she finds out too late that they had been awaiting for her to catch up. She runs into Itachi making him hit the man. Kikyo fell to her bottom as she touched her head with her right hand,"ouch".

The man sees Kikyo here and begins to run again. Itachi tries to catch up as the man still holds onto his left wrist. The man leads Itachi into a dead end and is about to run toward it.

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