The unexpected.

17 5 0

So he died. I've lost the evidence. What do I do now? I don't have a fucking clue

While walking, there comes miss Maria pulling up in her car, "Get in!!!" She said, I kept walking while she was driving behind me. "Where is my mother?" I replied. She shouted " Get it in the fucking car!!!"

So I stopped and went in the car,

Maria: finally😧, you making me waist all my dam gas out here *roll eyes*..... close my dam Door too before you waist my AC!!!!

Me: Now tell me what did you do with my mother?

Maria: "What did you do with my money"....I should kill you right now. But we have bigger things to worry about.

Me: Maria I'm not telling you shit

Maria: if you talk then you don't need to pay the money.

Me: ohk, ohk tell me what you wanna know.

Maria: "Whose the daddy?

Me: What do you mean?

Maria: the baby is black !!!! So whose the daddy?

Me: Well.... you know quan from down the streets?

Maria: Jayquan hinds? Who is married to Deidre hinds??

Me: yes.. But wait!!!!!! He's married?

Maria: yesss!! For 2 years now.. your not telling me that he's the father are you ????

Me: Yeah!!!! She said it!!

Maria: oh my god and his wife couldn't even have kid, this shit is so fucked up❗❗❗❗

*my phone rang*

Me: Hello who is this


me: ohk what do you want?

Miss grace: your mother is dead.

Me: W-wait what??

Miss grace: I got out early this morning and there she was on the lawn with stab wounds and she had on no clothes. Looks like someone droped her off last night.

I hanged up the phone and freezed for couple minutes.

Maria looked over on me and asked what's wrong. I told her my mother was found dead on her lawn this morning with stab wounds. Maria then said, oh Caleb I'm so sorry,to hear that, are you ohk?.

Me: it's all my fault!!!

Maria: no it's not, why would you even think that?

Me: I had the chance to save her. I knew someone kidnapped her. I figure it was my uncle, he never liked my mother and I owed him money. Someone sent a message to my phone with a picture of her kidnapped saying either you pay the money or she dies. And now she's dead😭😭😭😭😭😭

I turned around looking at her and she looking at me.... I didn't even know how this happened but our lips started making 1. She was lifting up my shirt while I was unbuttoning her blouse. She started unbockleing my belt and I lift her dreseed up while still kissing. Next thing I knew I was inside of her doing what I knew I shouldn't.

After 3 rounds

We started fixing our clothes without saying anything to each other.

I told her to let me out and make me go to look for jayquan. I stepped out of the car and slamed the door, "Don't Slam my fucking door!!!!!! You dumass" I ingnored Her and walked away.

While walking I was so confuse, thinking how could I just lose my mother and then lose mt virginity to a 39 year old woman.

At jayquan house

I went up to the door and knocked.

He opened the door in a tank top and sports shorts.

Me: hi jayquan

Jayquan: call me quan, and who are you.

Me: I'm the Angel Gabrielle. Coming to deliver the good news.

Quan: What good news are you talking about??

Me: you might wanna close the door!!!! We don't want you know who to hear!!!!

He shuts the door behind him.

Quan: now tell me what news are you here delivering!!!

He started looking around nervously and trembling.

Me: Think about it, what news did the Angel Gabrielle give the the sheperds or whatever they call them.

Quan: He told them that a baby is born..... and what does that have to do with anything??

Me: you dumbass... your baby is born!!!!! SERENA HAD YOUR CHILD!!!!

Has I said that he Started holding my mouth and pushing me further from door.

Quan: What the fuck!!!!! Talk softly nigga!!!!

Just then his wife came out.

Deidre: really Quan?

Quan: Bae!!!!!!! W-what are you doing out here.


Quan: Bae im so sorry😭😭😭

Deidre: No, No it's over between us!!!! IT'S DONE!!!!

Me: Oh Deidre!!!! SHUT UP!!! *roll eyes* Its not his fault you couldn't have kids, it's your own dam fault now deal with it!!!!

Deidre: You shut up and mind your fucking buisness

Me: Girllllll, you better watch your dam mouth before a pull those 2 front teeth out you mouth!

*My phone ring*

When I answerd the, Serena started crying and shouting


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