Page 51: Grand Order

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Passing into Yggdrasil was different for each realm. Each light, each branch burned with a different color. Passing into the Branch of Asgard always singed golden light into Xerxes' eyes.

But in the following instant, his feet once again grazed across the ground.

Xerxes' body shivered for just a second. 'God, I'll never get used to that.'

"Hello, hello, Mister Agnes!" a voice immediately called out.

Xerxes turned to a young, dark-haired man. They stood at nearly the same height, just inches above the human average. His thin and black hair was tightly combed and shaped, just like his dark blue suit, firm, pressed tight against him with space for a single wrinkle.

It didn't take more than a moment to process who he was. Yoichi Agawa, Xerxes' partner for the meeting. The only other human representative.

"My name is Yoichi Agawa. You may call me by my first name, if you're willing," he said with a slight smile and not-as-slight bow. "I would say I'm at your service, but in this case, we're on the same level, are we not?"

"I... I guess." Xerxes did nothing more than extend his hand. "Just call me Xerxes. Respectfully, I'm not going to bow back to you. I've had back problems since I was... Well, since I was your age."

Yoichi laughed, just as Xerxes remained still and stale. That wasn't a joke.

Yoichi quickly shook his hand with firmness and strength, still smiling. "Well, I would love to continue our conversation, but it seems we must do so as we walk." And with nothing more, he walked off towards the massive structure before them.

It was the doorless gate to the city. The gate rose a dozen meters into the pale blue sky, built almost entirely of laid bricks of marble. Carved columns sat in its facade, surrounding each of the three arching pathways that stood before them and led into the walled city.

But atop the meters and meters of marble bricks, sat pure gold. It was carved and molded with ornate designs and intricacies, rising with level upon level, stacking its levels of precious metal. It rose and peaked with a tower dressed with pinnacles and finished with a spire.

It was always a beautiful sight to see, but one associated with poor memories. Nothing particularly bad had occurred to Xerxes on this realm, just many headaches and annoyances. But for Yoichi Agawa, for his first time on Asgard, he couldn't control the slight gasp that left his lips in amazement.

He quickly shut his mouth as soon as he realized Xerxes stood next to him.

"You're... quite emotive for someone in your position." That was all Xerxes could note aloud.

The following sound was the ringing of Yoichi's bright laughter as they passed through the marble archway. "Yes, that's just the way I've always been, you see. I was a great annoyance to my parents and my superiors in any field," he said, letting out more chortling. "But if anything, that just proves that I was chosen for this position based on merit alone."

Xerxes nodded ever-so-slightly. "Yeah, I suppose."

With just a handful of more steps, they passed into the city and towards the cathedral their meeting took place in. At this point, nothing else was notable to Xerxes. It was all the same to him. Gold and marble and crystal and silver.

Sure, one could think it was beautiful. But it got tiring for Xerxes, and every human before him. And every human after him. The beauty wasn't true. It was forced and fabricated, being beautiful for the sake of being beautiful. Glimmering for no true purpose.

But for now, all he was focused on was drowning out Yoichi's exclamation.

"Oh, yeah, that reminds me," Yoichi said without a single prompt or reminder. "Why isn't the Paladin here?"

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