Act 11: Big Bad Rogues Attack But Fail

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Here's another much needed chapter!!
Enjoy guys!!

I was thinking of how powerful Tenko is that if she could possess me then she is a really powerful werewolf then, and no wonder the Rogues are after me, and want to harm me and if they have a future seeing Mage then they predicted probably Tenko being born and they probably want to kill Tenko.
That made me anxious, that my little baby girl was the target of Rogue Wolves, and she's not even born yet, and I'm only now seven months pregnant, and about to pop.

Vampires are by our home everyday guarding our home, and all the while as Blaze and Ace are battling Rogues while me and Nori are at home, and preparing for me to have this child, now knowing Tenko is going to be born in wolf form, we have been making a pen for her to be resting in, to sleep in, and all that.
We also have been stocking up on formula for humans and I know she can have it, and I can feed it to her in her wolf form, just that intuition telling me that.
I know I won't be able to breast feed because of her being in wolf form.

Blaze was shocked that Tenko was going to be born in wolf form, and was having issues accepting it, so he's been distant for a month, until he got home yesterday when he hugged me from behind and said he was sorry.
That's all he said.
I knew he meant he was sorry for being distant and sorry for not accepting Tenko for being born different for a month, but now he accepts it.

Blaze then kissed me deeply that day lovingly and conveyed his feelings that he'd accept Tenko by whispering that in my ear.

Now Blaze and Ace were gone at a meeting with Eros, and I wasn't allowed to come because I was heavily pregnant, and if I wasn't heavily pregnant then I could've come, but no it's dangerous.

I waited for Blaze and Ace to get back, watching some anime until they get back and eating some spicy ramen, and Nori was doing laundry for me, and humming a tune.
I slurped away my ramen, when I felt Tenko kick and I groaned from the massive kick and rubbed my belly.

"She's kicking again isn't she?"
Nori asked me from the table he's folding laundry.

I say as I chew my bite.

"She's being active lately."
Nori comments.

"Maybe she misses her dads."
I say to Nori.

Or someone else.
Nori thought to himself.

I say as another kick happens.

"Rambunctious one you have.
I bet she will tear up the house."
Nori giggled.

"Don't say that!"
I say to Nori.

"Kids will be kids."
Nori winked.
"She will be in wolf form and tear up things."

I gulp at that.
"Blaze will get mad at that."

"He will need to hold his temper."
Nori frowned.

"I know."
I say to Nori.
"Ace will reel it in though."

"I hope so."
Nori nods.

Suddenly I heard shouts of pain, so did Nori.
"What was that?"
I ask Nori, and Nori gets in defensive stance beside me, and I put my ramen bowel down.

"Sammie stay behind me!
We have company!"
Nori looked at me over his shoulder.

"Is it Rogues?"
I ask him and he nods.

"Did you kill the damn vampires?!"
I heard a male voice snarl out.

"Yeah I did."
I heard another male voice say.

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