~chapter 1~

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Max POV:
Today David said he had a surprise for us. I'm only in a good mood about it because we don't have to do any stupid camp activies for the next couple hours of the morning. I walked out of the Mess Hall pulling my hoodie strings up and down out of pure boredom. You'd think we would actually be able to sleep in today considering we weren't doing anything until after this "surprise."

David POV:
"Gwen do you think it was a good idea for us to enroll new campers just for Max? What if he notices that they're only here AFTER we told him to branch out and make friends?" I asked anxiously. "David, Max is smart but he isn't Einstein. He'll probably just think they got sent here for some stupid activity," Gwen said logically.  Knowing she was right I dropped it and left the counselors cabin to go wait for the Quartermaster to arrive with the kids. Their names are Neil, and Nikki. Neil has been registered into Science camp and Nikki has been registered into Adventure. Maybe this will give Max the chance to see what these camps are really like and try one out. I smiled as I saw Max start walking towards me. "Hey Max!! Are you excited to see what the surprise is?" I asked in my usual happy tone. "Suck a dick David," Max said with a smirk as he stood next to me.

Neil POV:
My mom got a letter in the mail about a camp of some sort. It said something about science so she automatically assumed that I would be interested in it. I read the poster and looked into it a bit more than she did and it seemed kinda sketchy but hey, it's a summer of science I'm not about to complain. I got on the bus and sat next to a girl with teal hair and pinkish purple eyes. She seemed like the tomboy type but she was chill. "Hey, I'm Neil, what's your name?" I asked the girl. She said her name was Nikoletta but to call her Nikki instead. We had small conversations for the rest of the bus ride to the camp. It was kind of in the middle of nowhere and the bus driver was lowkey creeping me out. We pulled into the camp and I saw a short guy with a blue hoodie on and a tall red head. I'll assume that he's a counselor for the sake of my sanity. Nikki and I stepped off of the bus and were introduced to the kid in a hoodie. He said his name was Max and that he would be my tent roomate. Once Max showed me to the tent he sat on his cot and watched me put all of my belongings away. Max and I started making small conversations similar to the way Nikki and I did. I learned he was 15 meaning I was only a year older than him. I also learned that he had been going to this camp for the past couple years. I wonder why I've never heard of it. Max explained to me how David was his guardian and caretaker due to some family shit he didn't want to get into. I figured that David was the red head I saw earlier.

Max POV:
Neil seemed chill. Definetly someone I would want to hang out with. He is kind of a nerd though. Oh well. No one's perfect I guess. I met Nikki more in the Mess Hall. It started raining so we all just got to retreat to our tents for the rest of the night. I ran to the camp counselors office first to grab David's phone so I'd have something to do. I'd give it back in the morning oh well. I started going through his phone looking for some sort of game. Neil opened the tent flap giving me a whole heart attack. "GODDAMNIT NEIL A WARNING PLEASE," I yelled as I tried to calm my racing heart. Neil started laughing his ass off. That bitch.

688 words. This one is a bit short so the next one will have more of them getting closer to Nikki and more of the crushes developing. I just wanted to get this one out of the way so I could actually start the MaxNeil bit. Thanks for reading make sure to continue! -Author Alli-kun

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