chapter 3

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Smut warning.
begging, praise, grinding.

Neil sat up awake after Max switched their positions around. Max was sitting on his crotch slowly dropped his weight down. "M-Max what the hell is going on-" Neil was cut off by Max starting to grind down on his crotch. "A-A-aHh" Neil started moaning. The more that Neil tried to hide his moans the harder that Max grinded down. "So Neily~ wanna explain what happened in your dream?" Max started to take off his hoodie and sleep shirt. "You know if you wanted me that bad, you could have asked~" Max said as slowly got off Neil and slammed his lips onto the other boys. Neil got the message of what was about to happen. Msx started taking off Neils t-shirt and Neil started to pull Max's shorts down. Once both of the boys were just left in boxers a sudden wave of confidence overcame Neil. Maybe it was the fact he realized that they only had an hour left to do this. Neil quickly switched there postitions, pulled Max's boxers down to his knees. He started thrusting one digit inside of Max. "A-Ah fuck- Nei-Neil" Max said inbetween pants as Neil quickly added more digits. Once Max was ready, Neil pulled one of Max's legs over his shoulder and Max wrapped his arms around his back. In one swift movement Neil shoved himself into Msx as far as he could.  Max arched his back as Neil pounded his cock inside of Max. Max sarted running his nails up and down Neil's back. He was definetly going to leave a mark. "F-fuck Max-" Neil panted as he grabbed Max's dick holding his thumb over the slit not letting his spill. Neil switched their postition to where Max was on top and Neil had his back against the bed. Max took this as his hint that Neil was getting tired. Not wanting this to be over anytime soon, Max shoved himself back down onto Neil and started enthusiastically riding him. "fucking christ Neil~" Max moaned. Neil started pumping Max's cock in rythym with Max riding him and eventually Max came all over his chest and onto Neil. Neil thrusted deep into Max a couple more times before cumming deep inside him with a particularly loud moan. There bodies continued to roll together while they rode off there orgasms. The boys both were panting as they laid back down, not giving a single shit if David walked in on them sleeping together.

423 words.

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