chapter 2

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No ones POV:

"Gooooood Morninggggg Campersssssss!!" David yelled as everyone was seated in the Mess Hall for the Quartermasters unknown breakfast. Max sat inbetween Neil and Nikki and played with his knife as Nikki inhaled everything on her tray while Neil examined what exactly was in this food. David started listing off the activities that we would be participating in today.

Max POV:
Normally I wouldn't listen to David and his stupid activities but one caught my attention. Swimming. Shit. I was never taught how to swim ue to my parents being literal shitbags. But nows not the time for that sob story. We have more pressing matters. Like how I was going to get out of having to swim. I nudged Neil in the side and gestured towards the tent. "Yeah what's up Max?" Neil asked not really paying attention. "You wanna do something wreckless? I really don't want to swim today." I said making it seem believeable that I just didn't want to swim. Neil looked up at me. Wow he has nice eyes. AnYwAyS. "Like what Max?" He asked as I piqued his interest. "What if we lit fireworks off of the dock on Spooky Island?" I said more suggesting than telling. Shit I didn't think this far. "Why of all things do you specifically not want to swim Max?" Neil asked as he looked at me confused. I shrugged. "I don't know. Swimming just kinda.. freaks me out a bit?" I said with a questioning tone. Neil was smart he was bound to see through this lie. "Holy shit, Max can you not swim?!" Neil asked as he put the pieces together. I chuckled shyly. "No..," I said looking away. What I definetly wasn't expecting was to be picked up onto Neil's shoulders and taken out of the tent. "Uh Neil what the hell are you doing?" I asked trying to not blush like hell. "Were going swimming Maxy~." He said confidently.

Neil POV:
Oh hell. Oh hell oh no. What the hell am I doing?? I inwardly cursed myself out trying to not think about the boy sitting on my shoulders playing with my hair. Since we weren't in the Mess Hall when everyone went down to the lake, we were a bit late getting down there. I didn't even have a plan for when we got down to the dock to swim. I wasn't about to just throw Max in the lake and expect him to not end my shit. Once we got down to the dock I tried to find Nikki first. Looks like she was already with Ered. Damn. Looks like it's just going to be Max and I. I set Max down somewhere that wasn't where everyone could see us. I didn't want Max to feel pressured to act cool in front of everyone if he really was freaked out by swimming. I grabbed his wrist and gently pulled him deeper into the water. Since he was shorter than me by at least 3-4 inches what was on my chest was at least his chin. I crouched down to his height to see how much further I could pull him while he was standing up. Once it got to his mouth I'm going to assume thats when he got freaked out. He jumped up onto me holding onto my back for support. His face was right in front of me and his nails were digging into my shoulder blades. Maybe I should go shallower for him. Right before I could start moving back, he unraveled his arms from my back. While getting down he lightly rubbed a sensitive part of my body. I felt my eyes go wide. Then realized that he was trying to go deeper into the water without my help. I closely followed him until the water went up past his nostrils. Meaning he was holding his breath. I lightly picked him up so he could try to just keep his head above water without touching the ground. We stayed doing that for the rest of the activity. When we went back to the tent, I motioned for Max to jump back on my shoulders. He accepted immediately. He had to be tired after that. We were probably swimming for at least 3 hours. And learning to swim is way more exhausting than just actually swimming for the fun of it. When we got back to the tent I tried to tell Max to get off my shoulders and go to bed. Then noticed he was asleep. I tried to just set him down on my bed to wake him up but he had a death grip on my shoulders, pulling me down on the bed with him. Oh well. If I die tomorrow morning because I am sleeping with my best friend then it has been a nice life.

~Time Skip because idk what else to do~
next morning
Max POV:
I woke up oddly enough naturally before the sun had completely came up yet. I grabbed David's phone and checked the time. It was 5. David wouldn't be waking us up for another 2 hours. I went to sit up before I realized a tuft of brown hair was on my chin. "The hell...?" I muttered aloud. It was still dark so I couldn't exactly see anything. Then I realized. Shit. Thats fucking Neil laying on me. I tried waking him up, but I heard him lightly say my name. Is he.. dreaming about me..? I completely stopped moving. If I wake him up it will be hella fucking awkward. I hear his breathing patterns speed up. Oh hell. This isn't happening. I then realize the postition me and Neil are currently in... It wouldn't anything to make sure this is what i think it is.. right?? I slightly bring my knee up causing Neil to gasp. I knew it. This bitch was really having a wet dream about me. I'll be damned. Might as well fuck with him a bit more....

1008 words. the next chapter will have some light smut in it, but no other story line so you can skip it if you want to :)

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