Not again...

212 5 26

Bella: The Terrible Twos, 9, 15 and 26 look into the elevator and see shocked faces everywhere.

25: Wh-
What's wrong?
Are you all okay?

11: B-
*mumbles* Behind you.....

Bella: They look behind them and see the Terrible Twenties with big smirks on their face.

Blue Terrible Twenty: Well looky what we have here.

Bella: The Pink Terrible Twenty looks at the Terrible Twos with angry eyes.

Blue Terrible Two: We-
We can explain....

Pink Terrible Twenty: There is no need to explain anything, we were here the whole time, listening to all that you said. And we understand exactly why you two helped them.

Pink Terrible Two: You do?

Blue Terrible Twenty: Of course! We were having trouble getting them down to capture them, so you two pretended to help only to make it easier for us to capture them.

Blue Terrible Two: Ye-
That's exactly what happened!
(to others) Ha! You suckers! You really thought I was helping you?

Pink Terrible Two: Yeah! We fooled you, you fools!

Eloisa: Whaaa?

Bella: The Terrible Ts catch everyone and tie their hands behind their back, but before they could continue, Sashka, Flora, May and Norah reached the bottom of the stairs.

Norah: Hey you dummies! Leave them alone!

Blue Terrible Twenty: They are too much! Grab the important ones and run!

Bella: The Terrible Ts runs away with a couple others. May and Sashka run to the corner where they passed, but they found a dead end.

May: But, how?

Flora: Are you all okay?

Eloisa: No! They took some of us!

Sashka: Who's missing?

15: They took all the even numbers, which means they took 10, 12, 20 26.

11: They also took 13.

Vio: And June!

Flora: Why did they take June?

15: How about we discuss all of this in

Bella: They all walk quietly to M.I.15 with tons of questions and thoughts buzzing through their heads.

My arms hurt...

15 POV
Hopefully 13 and 26 are able to handle themselves.
They took all the important ones, so does that mean I'm not important?

11 POV
*blank mind*

I'll never go next to an elevator ever again.

Flora POV
Why did they take June?

Poor 10 and 12, I hope they're okay.

Bella: They reach M.I.15 and tell everyone about all that happened.
Meanwhile, with The Terrible Ts, The Terrible Ts split all the even numberblocks into twos, but they left 20 so that he could work for the Terrible Twenties.
13 and June silently stood infront of The Terrible Ts.

Pink Terrible Twenty: (to The Terrible Twos) Why did you even bring these two?

Blue Terrible Twenty: Yeah, the girl is useless and that numberblock is hopeless.

June: And you all are heartless and brainless. And these are two of the most important things to have.

Pink Terrible Twenty: (to June) We know that we are heartless, and we are okay with that.

Blue Terrible Twenty: But we are alot more smarter than you think, ya punk!

June: You don't even know how to insult. How about you come back after you learn how to?

13: *quietly chuckles*

Blue Terrible Twenty: You know what!? Lock them up, Terrible Twos!

The Terrible Twos: Okay.

Bella: The Terrible Twos take June and 13 and push them into a very big empty white-walled room.
Before The Pink Terrible Two locked closed the door, The Blue Terrible Two said.

Blue Terrible Two: I'm sorry, we'll try our best to help you.

June: It's okay, just make sure that no one tries to come and help us. They might get caught too.

Blue Terrible Two: Okay.

Bella: The Pink Terrible Two locks up the door and they both leave 13 and June in an awkward silence.
They both go sit in different corners of the room and just.....sit.
June takes out her phone, which she somehow still had, and she started playing offline games as there was no signal for her to call anyone.
After half an hour, June walks towards 13 and sits about one meters away from him.

June: So.....
I'm glad that I finally saw you laugh a bit when we were out there.

13: Hmmm.....

June: Do you even know why they put us in this white room? They put people in empty white rooms to make those people go crazy, so if we don't talk and just sit in silence, prepare to see the insane side of me.

Bella: 13 looks up at June with a blank expression.

June: Seriously? *big sigh*

Bella: In M.I.15, there was a heated up argument going on.

Flora: We need to go get her!

15: You know the Terrible Ts, they will simply sneak up on us and we'll get caught.

Eloisa: Why are you even an agent!? Agents help people no matter what! You don't deserve your role!

Bella: Again, 15 felt the strong urge to shout as she was super angry, but she took a deep breath and said.

15: Agents do help people, but they also take many precautions while doing so.

Norah: (to May and Vio) This is too much for me, I'll just go rest.

Bella: Norah leaves and when Vio and May look at the ones who were arguing, they saw that they were all staring at them.

Vio: Wha~

Eloisa: So whose side are you two taking?

May: Honestly, I think we should all relax.

Eloisa: Please answer my question.

Vio: Listen, we actually both agree with 15.

May: Yeah, I'm sure June will be able to handle herself well. Besides, The Blue Terrible Two took her, so I'm sure he has a plan.

Flora: Really? I thought you two were better than that.

Vio: It's not like that, Flora.

Flora: I'm just going to bed.

Sashka: Me too.

May: 😓

Vio: It's okay May, we'll handle all of this tomorrow. Let's go sleep now.

May: Okay...😔

Bella: Everyone goes to sleep in their beds while June and 13 sleep in the opposite corners of the room.

June POV
I hope I don't go insane soon...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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