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"Angie, for the millionth time, I swear to god I am going to rain hellfire on you!" Crashes against the wood was another average day of the Beneviento manor. A maniacal doll shrilled in laughter as she floated down the hallway. I chased after her with the rage of hell itself. The spool of thread for Lady Donna was tight in my grip as I grabbed for the doll. She just barely brushed against my fingertips and I snatched her by the back of her dirtied white wedding dress. "Angie, your dress has to get washed whether you like it or not! Stop making this so complicated. We do this every week!" Her head spun a full 180 degrees and bit my hand. I yelped as I let her go and she ran down the stairs to the main den.

"I'll burn her at the stake," I grumbled as I rubbed my hand and trudged further down the hall. I knocked on the door to my left and walked in. Lady Donna sat in her mourning garment and veil, a needle and thread in her hand. I walked over to her and set the black thread down at the edge of her workstation. Her head noticeably jutted up and noticed the thread. Her head trailed over to the bloody hand where Angie bit me. I put my hands behind my uniform attire and smiled at her sweetly. The Lord that never spoke went back to her work.

"Let me know if you need anything else, Lady Donna," I said before I bowed and exited the room. I shut her door as quietly as I possibly could before I leaned against it and sighed. My head fell as I stared at a bloodied hand. Being the only servant of the Beneviento house was a tiresome job. Everything from doing the bidding of Lady Donna to the needless tasks of Angie made this job almost insufferable.

"Get the hell out of the way of the door!" I glanced up and Angie floated in front of me.

"Give me the damn dress, Angie," I growled to her.

"When Lady Donna wants it cleaned, she will take it off of me and add it to the laundry!" Angie protested. I rolled my eyes as I moved away from the door.

"Fine, walk around with that dirt on your dress. I'm done chasing after you today." Lady Donna alone was severely quiet and had anxiety that rivaled a rabbit being hunted consistently. The veil always remained on her head for reasons I never knew, and Angie spoke for her when she needed something. In fact, that was how today's argument started. She requested me to bring a spool of black thread for Lady Donna, and I found the stains on her dress.

"Oh, Angie," I stated as I turned around. She knocked on the door with a lifeless hand and turned to me. "Can you let Lady Donna know that I am going to see the Duke? We are low on groceries."

"You tell her yourself, you lazy wretch." The door opened and Angie flew into Lady Donna's awaiting arms. The shadow of a woman turned to shut the door.

"Lady Donna?" I asked. Her head turned to me as she stopped the door. "I'm going into the village square to see the Duke. I'll be back in time to prepare dinner." She slowly nodded her head and shut the door silently. I took in a deep breath as I turned around and went onward.

The walk into the village was oddly silent. Usually, lycan and werewolves lurked around every corner. Today, however, seemed to be eerily different. The abandoned wooden homes and courtyards reminded me of a ghost town I used to walk around when I was younger. Before Umbrella, before Mother Miranda, even before my family experimented on me, I used to walk around the old ghost town that was abandoned a few miles from where I lived in the middle of nowhere. This area gave me little comfort as a memory.

"That seems like a different lifetime compared to now." Animals ran across the path I walked, and doors banged open and closed from the wind. When I reached the square, the Duke had his carriage set up for selling. His fat barely fit against his stretched-out skin. His fat literally hung from his seat on the cart similar to a blob mass. White hair was combed to the side as a charismatic smile graced his face.

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