Chapter 20 {Does it look like I fucking care?}

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Later on in Bekah's room.

I wonder what's going on with Kurt, why was he so ill and hateful towards me? Was he okay? I walked to my bed to do my homework to work on my pre-test for Math but something felt a bit out of shit! The test book! Kurt has it but...I don't wanna go get it cause I don't wanna talk to him after that moment we had. I sighed and walked carefully to my door and opened it gently so he wouldn't hear me and saw he wasn't in the main hall or anywhere around me. I walked out slowly to make sure he wasn't anyway close by, I checked his room and didn't see him on his bed or anywhere, so, I was close for a while. I ran in there, trying to hurry, and found his bag on the bed and tried searching for the test book. I felt a hard cover and pulled out the test book and cheered softly.

I held onto it tightly and smiled to myself as I grabbed it and sighed in relief that I wasn't catch, but before I knew it, I turned around and saw Kurt standing in front of me with his arms crossed and a blank look on his face.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) Oh, hey Kurt! How are you doing?" I asked, tightly gripping on the book and smiled cheekily and had a cheeky grin.

"(Kurt in Bekah's body) What are you doing in my room with my book?" He asked me about the book.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) I need it to practice my Math test." I told him, showing the book. He glared at me for a moment and snatched the book from me. "Hey!"

"(Kurt in Bekah's body) You know better then to steal from someone else's stuff, you should ask first before you get something that isn't yours." He told me, raising the book so I wouldn't be able to reach it.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) Ok fine! Can I please have the book for my test?" I asked him and he thought about it.

"(Kurt in Bekah's body)!" He responded harshly and put the book back in his bag and set it on top of his drawer.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) Oh come on! You got that book for me! So I wouldn't fail my test!" I reminded him.

"(Kurt in Bekah's body) It was in MY bag in the first place, so it was MINE to begin with." He told me.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) Okay, what is up with you? You're being such a dick lately!" I told him and he sighed.

"(Kurt in Bekah's body) Yeah right!" He said to me harshly and scoffed.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) You are just hateful to me now, why?"

"(Kurt in Bekah's body) Does it look like I fucking care?" He asked me, checking his nails and rudely yawning. I scoffed angrily and walked out, slamming the door angrily. Why was he being such a dick to me? As I walked out, I heard the door open and heard Kurt yell. "Wait! You forgot your test book!" He told me and I glared at him like he was insane.

"(Bekah in Kurt's body) What the hell?! I don't want it after what you said! I rather fail then cheat my way into this!" I told him, now pissed off, and walked off slamming my door as I walked in.

Later on.

I studied for my Math test after my fight with Kurt and (hopefully) got the answers right, oh god! Who am I kidding? This is gonna be a hard quiz! I groaned to myself as I thought to much and set my stuff down and sat up to think about a few things, I sighed to myself and placed my hands in my hair and ruffled it a little. As I thought a few things, I heard the door knock and got up to answer it. As I opened it, I groaned at the sight of who it was and crossed my arms.

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