Chapter Three

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- Orryn

Arik sat at a desk and tried to look busy.

Mostly, he just moved papers from one pile to another, drank and admired Brenna.

She would reach high for a book on one of the shelves above her, stretching her body and offering a fine view he intended to bookmark in his mind for later, sift through a few pages, put it back and search for another.

She had creamy skin, grey eyes and long blond hair that she let hang loose over her shoulders.

She wasn't as tall as most Nor 'man women but she was busty, and that made up for it.

He knew that she knew that he was looking. It was the game they had played since they were young and first took notice of one another.

Though considered a northern kingdom, Orryn, over time, began to adapt some of the customs of their southern neighbor in the Midlands and made it legal for women to inherit. A firstborn male would always hold priority, but if the lord of a great house or even the king himself failed to give the realm a crown prince, his daughter inherited all titles, lands and incomes. To dispute her claim was considered unjust, unlawful, and would result in other Dukes, Counts and men of note rising against you.

Laws of inheritance were beyond contestation. To allow even the slightest pushback or rebuttal would throw the country into civil war with the passing of every title and parcel of land.

Though she wasn't a wealthy Duchess and her lands straddled no major trade routes, she was her father's only child and a Duchess, nevertheless.

The moment he knew he could have her, he made up his mind to have her. His older brother, Norik, was the crown prince, sure, but even as a second son, which came with no inheritance, Arik was still the son of a king. He, at the time, had no incomes and would inherit no lands, but he was still a prince.

He had that.

And he had gained a bit of his own renown over the years. He was a respected commander and served under his father and brother as a war minister, as do most second sons who serve their liege siblings. He was liked by his men, he was thought well of by most who knew him and considered to be fair, honest, and even kind.

He would have undoubtedly been able to use these tools along with a bit of his own motivation to carve out a piece of this life for himself.

He was sure of it.

"Have you read this?"

"What?" Arik came back into the moment to see Brenna smiling and holding some old tome.

"I asked have you read this? Were you sleeping?"

"No. And no." He reached for his mug and realized it was empty, looked around the room for something to put in it.

"Is it going to be strange?" She asked. "Me being here when she arrives?"

"Not for me," Arik said a little too quickly, "and hopefully not for you."

"It seems mean." She returned the book to the shelf between two others.

"I did not ask her to come."

"I know."

"In fact, I asked Olfric to call the entire thing off and he blatantly refuses."

"I know. It's just that it seems so...I am not sure how to say it. I feel vile for all of this. I feel as if I am to blame."

"No one is to blame, I don't think. Not even the chocolate serpent woman."

Brenna laughed, tried to stifle it and covered her mouth.

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