The Red Door

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"My Dearest Burden,

It has been a month now, or a little less. I had planned for us to cover 45 miles a day but that has dropped significantly.

I would be a liar to say I was not at fault in this.

We passed through the red stretch, and it really is red, my love. The white sands turn to blood and the mountains look like crimson chalk.

The red palace is not a palace. It is a mountain. With windows and doorways. The people are short. Shorter than you. Yes, that short. But the place was magnificent in it's own right.

I do not know how to describe it, Nym. I make it sound simple, but it is something that can only be seen. I wish you were there with me.

We left the red door not long ago and it only had 2 of our family banners. I wanted the entire door to be painted in black. Black flags with golden serpents. Pass the message to your brother to remedy this situation.

I cost us 2 days toiling away in the markets that have sprung up beneath its wall. But I do not care.

The women look like us but do not dress as we do. They wear very little and dye everything in bright reds and yellows.

I have bought you presents, but I do not want to send them until we reach the Iron Gullet, or Iron Corridor. I am not sure of such Middish lingos.

I saw the grass of the First Green, and it is just as the color. It is green. Entire fields, Nym. I demanded we ride east so I could see it. No one was happy about this decision until we arrived. I cannot find the words to write for how I felt. Or to give justice to its own deserved magnificence.

Dunes of lush, slivers of palm.

Even lost in reverence, I could not help but miss you.

It was another joyous moment of this journey ruined by your absence.

I miss you so much.

I will go now. Yes?

Stay out of my things. I am not asking you.

With all that I am,
And all that I have,


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