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   Tyler and Leon stared at the moon for a minute before dismissing themselves from Chase's mind. Where they had been a note now fluttered saying only, "Meet us at the house at noon." The note caught fire and vanished from Chase's hand. Exhausted from the battle his mind just endured, he released the training area his mind had created and drifted into a true dream. But the dream that came with was not a pleasant one...

      The dream began sharply with a searing pain in his shoulder, as the area came into view much could be seen. Chase stood in a field, bodies littered the ground around him, but the battle was still raging. Looking to see what happened to his shoulder, he saw the woman in blue from his vision just moments earlier. Her head was down and she had a hand over her mouth as blood dripped between her fingers.

       Before Chase could begin to decipher what was happening, she leaned her head up. Her eyes wide with fear and tears brimming, her hand dropped from her mouth as she went limp exposing her mouth and throat, which seemed to be melting. Unable to control his body Chase watched as he rushed to her side shouting, "Gwen?!"

       He laid her head in his lap as the battle around them raged on, quietly saying, "Come on Gwen stay with me. You're going to be alright Gwen please just stay with me." A tear rolled down her cheek, and life faded from her eyes. Chase stared in shock, "Gwen?" he gently shook her, but got no response. "Gwenyver?!"

        The dream shifted and Chase watched from above the battlefield as the body he was just in shouted out the name. In a flash of bright crimson light, The human form was gone and Chase watched as a colossal grey dragon rose into the sky, all fighting ceased as it rose into the sky. What combatants had been near him when he transformed were left only charred bones. The dragon's grey scales started to separate revealing a blue glow coming from underneath them. The dragon drew back its head and a mass of energy began to condense near its mouth. An orb of the deepest black formed, send off bright arks of blue lightning.

         The orb reached the size of a small car when it suddenly shot towards the battlefield down below. The destruction the orb caused was so great that everything in sight of the battlefield was left as nothing but a smoldering crater. The nearby mountains completely leveled, the plains a great chasm. Whatever that dragon... no, whatever Chase had done at that moment utterly changed the landscape, and taken many lives. Chase watched as the dragon began moving away and charging up another attack.

         The image blurred coming to a burning city, the dragon roaring in the skies above. But two forms were floating before it, one wielding a pair of matching blades attached to chains, white hair stuck out over an unfamiliar mask. The other had a sword strapped to his back but was circled by rings that filled with swirling cherry blossoms.

          "Zhi! Any time now, I don't want to have to kill him!" the masked figure called as the chains of his blades wrapped around the dragon's maw holding it shut.

           "I know Leon! I'm working as fast as I can! But I don't know what set him off!" Zhi called out to his counterpart. "But whatever it was, it was bad enough for him to disintegrate half of this damn planet!" For several minutes Leon tried to restrain the dragon to hold him still for whatever Zhi was going to do. Suddenly Zhi called out, "I've got him! Leon get ready to catch him!"

         A moment and a bright flash later, and the dragon was gone, the unconscious form of chase falling through the air before being caught by Leon. After setting him down outside of the city Leon asked, "So what happened?"

          Zhi landed himself and gave the poor guy laying on the ground a look of sympathy before answering, "His mate was killed..."

         Leon burst out, "What?! How?! Who was able to slip past both of them and kill her?!"

          Zhi was silent for a time before simply saying, "He did... though it was nothing he did, he will not see it that way..."

          Chase woke with a start, his body covered in a cold sweat. Feeling someone stir next to him he looked down to see Amber awake, her head resting on his shoulder, a distant look in her weary eyes. There was a moment of silence as Chase let his heart rate settle down. Until suddenly Amber asked, "...So who is Gwenyver?..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2021 ⏰

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