Part 1

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I should have known that rushing an enemy with speed style would adapt well to my all-around fighting style, but alas I am a stubborn dumbass.
I quickly dodged a flying cut attack and began my quick zig-zag through the alley. My work boss Midnight called in through my earpiece device.
"Bella! Are you still there?!" She exclaimed.
"Yeah, I'm sorry about the villain." I replied quickly.
"That's not what I'm worried about, but I'm glad you're okay. Listen, there's a other dangerous villain in the area whose quirk can transform people into babies." Midnight spoke.
I almost froze, but I had to keep moving.
"Babies? It sounds stupid, but I get how that's dangerous." I responded.
"Yes, and she's been trying to capture heroes and any other hostages who could hold a high ransom. I know you and your sister aren't well off but I want you out of there, now." She finished.
Before I could respond, I heard a clang of metal and a feminine voice laughing over a tripped body. I heard a struggle before a flash of white light burst from the corner.
"Bella, do you copy?"
"Yeah, I gotta go. I'll get out of there soon." I said before muting my mic. Someone was in trouble, and I had to at least rescue whoever was being caught. If I didn't, it would have meant ransom for an unfortunate family. I flew into action before thinking about the fact it would be the very villain Midnight mentioned. I flung from the corner to find a familiar scatter of metal armor. I almost shrieked and instead let out a tight gasp. I looked to see the villainess' eyes meet mine. She held a very squirmy child in her hands, light attempting to burst from his legs, but only enough to minorly burn the villain.
"Unhand me, you heathen!" The child cried.
How am I gonna get him?
"Don't struggle, child. You'll only frighten our dear friend," she chuckled while looking at me. The child turned his head away from the villain, and I recognized his face immediately. He must have not remembered my hero costume upgrades, as he looked a mix of confused and terrified.
Iida!! I'm... I'm coming!!
Without a moment to spare I flew in levitation directly at the villain, making it look like I was going to foolishly attack her front. Her spare hand shot a beam of light at me, before I flew lower to grab her feet. With success I stunned her entire body with a psychic shock, causing her to let go of the poor baby. I heard him land on his rump as I flew with the stunned villainess. The villainess groaned and tried to move, but every struggle she would be even more pained by my psycho stunner move. I quietly cursed at myself for not catching Iida, as I slowed down in just enough time to slam the bitch face first into the ground.
"How dare you mishandle a child!" I cried as I slammed her a second time. My psychic grip had slipped on my third slam, and had accidentally curved my throw into a concrete wall. Her form weakened as the wall cracked around her impact. and she fell cold. The wall remained stable, but had a minor shape around where the villainess landed. As I turned to check on Iida, I heard a very panicked voice call my name and enter the scene.
"Bella!! Are you alright?! You could have gotten kidnap-"
It was Midnight, who realized I had just defeated the villain. She saw the villain unconscious and emerged to cuff the villain with one of her tools as I ran towards a small Iida, panicked in breath.
"Bella! I don't know how you found me, but thank goodness it's you!" Iida spoke in relief before accidentally tripping on one of his armor pieces.
"Oh shit!" I muttered as I ran over to help him up. I had also noticed him swimming in the black one piece he normally wore underneath his suit.
"Don't forget you need to cuff them first, Bella." Midnight chimed in.
"Right, Right," I admitted sheepishly.
"Iida, are you okay?" I asked as I helped him.
"I'm fine Bella, I-" he stopped for a moment to look down at himself. He realized his small size compared to mine. "Why are you so- oh, oh no..." Iida looked at himself in the black cloth and began to frown. "Hey- hey now, I got you." I attempted to reassure him. "That Woman won't bother you anymore." I said as I carefully picked him up. "She turned me into a child!" He groaned. He began rambling about how the battle was going until the villainess hit him with the beam of light.
Oh goodness, he's adorable when he fusses!
I shook the thought from my head, since I knew he would want me to take him seriously in this circumstance. I continued to listen before Midnight chimed in.
"So, this is your classmate?"
"Yeah, I can take him back to UA and then go from there," I said reassuringly.
"You don't suppose his agency might be looking for him?" She added.
"Oh yeah, that's important. I'm also gonna need to gather his armor and make sure it stays together." I responded.
"Bella, I'm feeling unwell, can you take me home please?" Iida asked while looking at me with innocent eyes.
Now what's this about- Oh my god, he's too CUTE!!!
"What? Well of course, Iida! I just need to make sure the villainess gets taken to police first." I told him.
"Okay," he said, laying a sleepy head on my shoulder. I looked at Midnight with puzzled eyes. "Is this supposed to happen, Midnight?"
"Yes, Bella. That's why I wanted you to flee. Her quirk can turn people into children if she hits them. Depending on how much she charges her power, then can go from full adulthood to toddler years at most. Iida must have been hit directly, since some of them fall asleep and can make them vulnerable to kidnapping. You found him just in time." She explained. "I'm glad you were able to save him, but I'm afraid this will last for no more than two days. One day if he got lucky." She sighed.
"Until then, you need to get him somewhere safe until the effects wear off. I'll see if I can send someone to take you two to U.A.," she finished as she pulled out her phone. "I don't live far from here, actually. I bet my elder sister could get us there." I added.
"Is she a hero?"
"No, but she's a sidekick at Hawks' agency, and her post is around here somewhere."
"As Long as you and Iida are carried by a licensed hero to safety." Midnight sighed.

Within minutes the police arrived and carried the villainess away with gloves hands, as to keep her from trying to use her quirk to escape. In the meantime I had gathered Iida's armor and called my sister, Erisuu for a ride to U.A., since we didn't live far from the scene.
"What's up, sis?" Erisuu answered. "Hey Erisuu. I need a ride, and fast." I responded, sensing a crow of people coming close to the scene. "Oh, I see you assisted a rescue with Midnight's agency. You might be getting press soon, so I'll move quickly. Are you by our street?" Erisuu asked.
"Yeah- how did you know?"
"Your scene is on tv." She responded as she flicked the tv off. "I'm gonna ask you to duck in the alley behind the scene, okay? I'll be there, but don't interact with the press. They'll follow us home."
"Okay, cool." I responded as we said our goodbyes and hung up.
"Hey Midnight, I got a ride, but I need your help getting past the Press. Could you distract them as I take Iida home?" I asked while attaching the sack of Iida's armor to my rescue mission backpack.
"Sure thing, sweetie. Good job today. I'll see you tomorrow." She winked and headed towards the acclimation of people from behind the police tape. I took the moment to duck into the back alleyway where my sister and Hawks were waiting. As I carefully walked to them, Iida woke up. He yawned before adjusting his currently oversized glasses through the sleeves of his one piece.
"Where are we going, Bella?" Iida asked with a sleepy groan.
"U.A. I'll take care of you there while we let your work study know you're okay. Did you get separated from your supervisor?"
Iida paused for a minute before remembering he was on a very similar mission to mine. "I don't remember who it was."
"Oh my, are you feeling okay?"
He began to fuss again.
"I-I don't know. All I remember was finding you after falling down," he replied with a tear falling from his cheek. "Oh Iida, it's okay." I stopped walking to wipe the tears away. He had to be somewhere between 3-6 right now. Poor thing is probably frightened by all the stress. "Hey, Iida." I said as I gave him a hug. Small sniffles escaped as he put his small arms around my shoulders. "I'm sad because I don't remember what happened, and now we're lost and I don't want to make Tenseii sad," he whined with his face cradled beneath my chin. "Aww Iida, I'm sure Tenseii won't be sad. In fact I'm sure he'll be happy to see you again." I lightly ruffled his hair as I approached my sister's car. "You and I are going back to U.A. to get you all cleaned up, and then we can eat food and do a few things together before Tenseii comes, okay?"
Little Iida peeked his head out.
"Okay Bella," he said quietly as he noticed the car.
Erisuu giggled with Hawks before getting out of the Driver's seat.
"You look so cute holding a kid, Bella." She chuckled as she opened a back door for me.
"Hush," I responded annoyed as I got in carefully. "Iida, I'm gonna put you down for a minute, okay?" I warned him.
"Okay," he responded a little more calmly as let Hawks take my bag and the sack of armor. Iida became more alert at the mild clank of armor and tugged at my costume.
"Where is he taking my gear, Bella?" He looked worried.
"Oh, he's gonna keep it safe in the trunk so we have more room to sit. Did you want it?"
"Yo Hawks, can I have that?"
I pointed to the sack of armor as Hawks returned a confused look.
"Sure kid." He answered before handing it to me and closing the passenger door.
"Thanks, now let's get going." I said as I carefully buckled myself and Iida in the back. Without a booster seat I had to improvise, so I sat him in my lap and had one arm across like an extra seatbelt for him.
"Sit tight, alright?" I craned my neck to look at Iida and make sure he felt safe.
"Yes, Bella." He answered politely. I faced forward again to avoid him seeing my cheeks flush a rosy color. Several thoughts were running through my mind.

My crush is a baby... How is this even real?!?!?! So cute, so pure...

To be continued...

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