Chapter One || Ha-ha, Like I Care

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I watch in amusement as my younger brother, Auggie, gives me life lessons. That's right, my younger brother, who is six, gives me his own little thoughts about life. I smile at his cuteness, but something troubles inside me. How can my younger brother be smarter than me in life? He's going to be successful when he grows up, I'm sure of it.

"Riley!" My dad rushes into the living room, his face full of excitement and determination. "Riley!" He plops down on the couch, shaking the cushions. "Guess what?" He asks in his childish tone.

Raising my eyebrows upward, I smile in confusion. "What, dad. What is it?" His face brightens with a huge smile.

"We're getting a new student!" He smiles, showing his teeth.

I frown at this. How is this so exciting? "...That's great, dad." I say in an annoying tone. I stare confusedly at his jumpy figure. "What's so exciting about that?"

His face drops, and he furrows his eyebrows. "Riley, you don't understand," Well, yeah, obviously dad. "I'm not exactly excited about the new student, just the price I get with having an extra student in the classroom!" He raises his fists, which holds a bunch of dollar bills. He lifts his other hand, waving it in front of the money.

I roll my eyes, laughing at his statement. Auggie looks at us confusedly, but later starts joining in our laughter. A thought pops in my head and I suddenly stop my laughing. "...Wait," I hold up my index finger, causing my dad and Auggie to stop their chuckling. "Just out of the new student a boy or girl?"

My fathers face drops at my sudden question. He seems to be holding back an answer, but he finally spills. "He's a boy. The thing is, though, I heard he flunked a class. So he's going to be a year older than most people." He looks at me. "But he's going to be two years older than you, though. Since you haven't had your sixteenth birthday yet."

I smile sadly, but nod. A new boy is going to our school. A seventeen-year-old boy. I wonder if he's hot. I laugh to myself, shaking my head. Auggie and my dad both share looks. Ha-ha, like I care if he's hot or not.


There was no sign of the new student. Shouldn't he be here already? It's already five minutes into first period. My dad told me we share this class together, as well as gym, and art. I sigh, as I listen to his current lecture about some war. Have I told you he's my history teacher? Well, now I have.

He glares around the room, he seems to be looking for someone. Oh, right! I know just who he's looking for. "Does anybody know something that happened in the war of-" he gets cut off from the sound of the door opening. I snap my head to the direction of the sound, and a boy walks in. I stare at his features. His dirty blonde hair, his gorgeous green eyes, --as far as I can see-- his perfect jawline, and his nice style for clothing. "You're late." My dad sighs.

"Yup." The boy walks smoothly up to my father, handing him a pass. "I got lost." He says, stifling a yawn. He doesn't look nervous at all. Actually, he looks more bored, like he's doesn't want to be here. My dad motions him to a desk behind me. He nods, sliding right into his seat. "Thanks, Mr. M." He smirks. "Oh by the way, I'm Lucas Friar." Lucas announces. Everyone glares at him, including me.

I keep my eyes on the board, listening to my fathers lesson. I nod along, even chatting a little with my best friend, Maya. Who sits right next to me. I get interrupted from my thoughts when someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn my head behind me, and raise one of my eyebrows at Lucas. "What." I snap. I'm not normally the one to be mean, but he's kind of giving an annoying vibe.

He raises his hands in defense. "Woah, calm down. What have I ever done to you?" He smirks.

Rolling my eyes, I scoff, "I'm trying to listen, here. So go annoy someone else." I glare at Farkle who sits behind Maya. He catches my glare, and smiles at me. Farkle has had a crush on Maya and I for the longest time. But that doesn't stop us from being best friends.

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