Getting Up

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One more panic attack under your belt, you and Peter go back to your bedroom. The both of you sit on your bed and you pull your robe tightly around you, trying to figure out where to start. Peter looks at you, and can see how shaken you are and debates hugging you again, but you didn't seem to be a big hugger. Mostly you didn't seem to be big on any sort of affection or emotion, but that was fine because he could still tell you cared about stuff when you did.

You take another deep breath and look at Peter, "okay, so... where should we start?" You decide to ask Peter since you had freaked him out so much already and felt bad about it.

"Well... you're saying you're a Jedi, could you maybe you know, use the force to move something?" Peter asks, that's a good place to start seeing as you'd never done anything of the sort in front of him.

You look at him like duh and nod your head, "I can do that," your eyes begin moving around the room until you find something suitable to move.

You were out of practice but it came to you naturally. You had been practicing these things your entire life you'd be disappointed if you had lost the skill in such a short amount of time. You just stare at Peter as you slowly move a tissue box from your dresser across the room and lower it into Peter's lap.

"There. See, it's not made up-"

"Hey- hey y/n, I believe you I don't doubt you but we need to be sure, what if someone just put those memories in your head- we need to be sure, cause Wanda can do that stuff too, though she usually has some sort of red mist around her when she does."

You huff and slump against your pillows, "okay- so you think I might be lying but not know I'm lying..." you think it over, he was right, it was possible but you didn't think that was the case. Finally you think of something that would have to show him you're telling the truth, "Fury gave Tony my lightsaber- he has it somewhere in the tower we could go find it and I could show you-"

"Y/n," Peter says as he once again has to be the reasonable one, "you can trust Tony. I know you don't want too but he could help and it would be easier to ask than sneak around trying to find your- lightsaber."

The way he paused hurt, he really didn't believe you... why did it hurt so badly that he didn't believe you. You sadly shake your head, "just go, you don't believe me anyways... I just need a bit then we can forget about it tomorrow if you even want to come around anymore."

Peter opens his mouth to say something, but can see how hurt you are by his reaction so he closes his mouth and gives you a quick hug. "I'll be back tomorrow y/n, then you can decide what you want to do."

You nod and as soon as he'd gone you turn over in bed and plant your face in one of the many pillows, beginning to just let the pent up emotions out. There were so many things, the one person you had thought you could trust didn't believe you. You hadn't had time to really mourn or wrap your mind around what had happened with the clones and your master. Then you were stuck here, inside and bored unable to even go outside. Everything had come to a head when you had seen that lightsaber in the hands of the one who was supposed to be Master Kenobi. Your life which you loved and this one you were stuck in it was all so confusing. You fall asleep quickly that night, just to wake up early and be back where you were the night before, in the middle of a nightmare.

You're preparing to meditate when there's a knock on your door before it opens and Steve steps in. "Hey kid," he says hesitantly, "how are you doing... we saw Peter leave last night he was pretty upset."

You look at him and shrug, you didn't even want to think about the previous night let alone talk about it.

Steve shakes his head and takes a seat on the floor across from you. "Look kid, it's not worth keeping it a secret. There's cameras in here, Tony could easily go and look through the footage and get to the bottom of this, but I think we all would like it more if you just talked to us."

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