Oh Shit John Just Punted a Child

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Remi - Beans Aunt 2*
Seraphina - Sera*
Arlo - Big Daddy
Blyke - Bruh
Isen - Hoe4Tea
Elaine - Beans Aunt 1
Cecile -
John -

* = group admin

Monday November 19th, 7:39 AM

John Telling People to Shut


Big Daddy: Yeah I kinda grew up above a bakery.

John: Yes thanks for the cake Big Daddy😋

Big Daddy:

Big Daddy: I'm going to take you out.

John: Great, it's a date!

John: See u at 5💋


Hoe4Tea: Jarlo is canon????👀

Big Daddy: I meant that as a threat.

John: Too late😘

John sighed, looking up from his phone. Sometimes it felt like making Arlo angry was his sole joy in life.

"Morning, John."


Okay, maybe there were two joys in life. The second of course being Sera. His friend. His friend who wouldn't betray him. She'd never need to.

Sera elbowed him. "Nice job on Arlo."

John snickered. "He's hilarious when he's mad."

"You sure you don't have a crush on him or something?"

John gasped as they walked into the school. "Sera!"

"I'm joking, I'm joking!" She stopped. "What's that?"

John followed her gaze. Up ahead, a large group of students were clustered around one of the school's bulletin boards.

"Let's find out."

John and Sera made their way through the crowd until they could catch a glimpse of what was drawing so much attention. John felt his blood boil as soon as he read the posting's title.


Below it was an article alongside a picture of Sera, crumpled at the bottom of the staircase.

Rumors have been spreading...

Was it really true that Seraphina was hurt on the night of Monday, November 12th?

She seems to not have used her ability for the past week...

First nailed by a stone in the head, now fallen down a flight of stairs...

Thus marks the fall of our goddess, Seraphina.

The students crowding the bulletin board seemed to be murmuring amongst themselves as well. John could feel their eyes glancing towards him and Sera.

Marching up to the bulletin board, he snatched the paper off it and crumbled it in his hands.


"John. It's no use. They're probably plastered up all around school by now." Seraphina reached out to him, presumably to comfort him.

There was no time for that.

"Hurry." He grabbed her arm as he spoke. Sera, understanding the gravity of the situation, kept up as he dashed down the hall.


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