Seraphina's Shopping Addiction

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Remi - 🗲Lightning Queen♛
Seraphina - Sera
Arlo - Big Daddy
Blyke -
Isen -
Elaine -
Cecile -
John -

Monday November 5th, 1:06 PM

Sera made a face at the fallen body of Gavin. The mid-tier had challenged both John and her following his defenestration. Of course, just as soon as Gavin had uttered his challenge, Seraphina had seemingly effortlessly blown him backwards into the school fence.

"Nice one, Sera," John complimented as he followed her to the school gates. "So, to the mall?" Though he didn't really fancy waiting for her to try on a plethora of outfits, he knew that if Darren caught him in the school, the nurse would probably drag him back to the infirmary. Then he'd have to deal with Blyke and Isen's complaining on top of the sheer boredom of being stuck in the infirmary.

"You know it," Sera responded. The two began walking in the direction of Kovoro Mall.

"Didn't you used to live off-campus?" Sera asked as they passed a pleasant-looking block of houses. "In a house like that?" She waved her hand at a quaint townhome on the corner of the block.

John shrugged. "Yeah, but my house was a bit farther from the school." He kicked at a pebble lying on the sidewalk.

"Why'd you move to the dorms?"

John frowned. "The Headmaster made me move into them. Said it'd be better for me to be more 'social' with the other students. Or some BS like that."

Sera snickered as John continued.

"No clue why he decided to room me with the fucking shonen protagonist though."

"That does sound kinda weird. An Elite-tier with a cripple?" Sera mused, and John immediately regretted drawing attention to the oddity.

"Or maybe there weren't any other rooms available. Who knows, though," John added quickly.

Sera sighed. "I'll never understand the Headmaster's motives."

"Me neither."


Kovoro Mall was pleasantly not crowded, which wasn't really a surprise considering most of the kids that would populate it in the later afternoons were likely still in school.

"Ooo, there's Andy's!" Sera exclaimed, dragging John towards a fashion boutique. John fought the urge to groan.

"What's with you and looking at clothes?" John muttered as Seraphina threw herself at a rack of shirts. She shrugged, then pulled a tank top from the rack.

"Look at this one! I think I have a shirt that goes with it..." She draped the top over her arm as she continued looking through the rack. John rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone.

Maybe something interesting is going on in that stupid group chat.

1:14 PM


Blyke: We really need a better name for this chat.

Isen: ^

Big Daddy: ^

Elaine: We really need a better name for Arlo🥺

John: Shut, simp

Elaine: 😠

Isen: John why are u even here

John: idk. To make fun of yall w sera ig?

Blyke: all for Sera huh

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