Chapter 13: Sleepover at Sayaka's

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Makoto Pov

I heard ringing coming from my phone as I was sleeping. Who is calling me this early? It's only like what.

I look over at the clock on my night stand and it says it's 6:00 a.m. So I was right, it's way too early for someone to call me. Maybe it's important?

I leaned over to grab my phone on the nightstand and took a look at who is calling me. Turns out it was Junko. Out of all people why call me? Doesn't she have photo shoots to be taken care of? So I press the answer button and put the phone to my ear.

Makoto: What do you want Junko?

Junko: Jeez you sound grumpy! Was it because I woke you up from your little nap.

She was talking in a childish voice while saying that which annoyed. But she was right she did interrupt my sleep. So I just responded.

Makoto: Well your not wrong. But why are you calling me for? Don't you have photo shoots?

Junko laughed at the other end of the phone. Wait. Was I missing something? She kept laughing for quiet a bit then finally stopped.

Junko: Makoto. Did you forget it's Friday! But today we are not playing games rather we are going to have a sleep over. Not at my house but at Sayaka's house.

What! Sayaka is doing a sleepover? I mean I have been to her house and it is a mansion. Not surprising since she is an idol, and has always been consistent in the music industry.

Makoto: Oh! Well thanks for telling me about the update. I am pretty sure I can go to this sleepover seeing as my father is pretty chill with Sayaka's family surprisingly.

Junko: Sounds great then! Make sure to bring any snacks with you for the sleepover for the rest of us if you like. Oooh and how is you and Kyoko hmmm!

Why is she asking about me and Kyoko? She never really ask how peoples relationships are. I should probably not answer and try to change topic.

Makoto: Ok will do bring snacks. So, no games this week?

Junko: Nope! Not until I come up with something but we are all going to have fun on Friday's still.

Makoto: Right. Well I am going to get ready. See ya Junko.

Junko: Bye you hope idiot!

She hang up before I could defend myself on that. Jeez just because you love despair at points does not mean you have to bully me for believing the opposite. Not everyone can follow your expectations.

I laughed it off. After all it is Junko. Blonde but very dumb fashionista but can be smart at points when she wants to be and metals with your love life rather then ask how things are. That's why I brushed her question off.

I got up out of my bed and headed for the shower. I forgot to take one last night since I had a bunch of school work. If I don't get it done my father would end up taking me out of the school thinking I am hanging out with people. Especially with Kyoko.

I sighed. As long as I keep it a secret to myself, everything will go smoothly. I hope it does.

I put shampoo in my hair and started scrubbing to get all the dirty stuff out. Then of course I washed my face and body. As I was washing up I started to wonder if someone was watching me for my dad.

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