hello im bored and i want to do a qna let's do it no balls. i miss interacting with everyone.
questions for you:
01. what got you into wattpad?
02. what's the first fandom you've ever been in?
— do you hate it now? are you still in it?
03. what other hobbies do you have aside from writing/reading?
04. what is the first ever book you've read in wattpad?
05. have you read an original book in wattpad?
06. did you get into wattpad because of reading/writing or did you get into reading/writing because of wattpad?
07. are you shorter than 5'1 be honest
08. who is your favorite writer in this app?
09. where else do you read fanfiction aside from wattpad?
10. are you down to play minecraft with me? yes? ok cool let me start it up
11. what's your favorite fandom?
12. what is your favorite book in wattpad?
13. do you have a discord server invite me there no balls
14. what's your favorite fanfiction ( outside of wattpad )
15. what's your favorite color and why is it lime green
16. who is your favorite singer?
17. is there someone you'd want to be friends with?
18. drink water this is not a question but
19. what's your favorite subject in school?
20. what's your first language?
21. what's the funniest thing you've done/witnessed?
if you have any questions for me just comment it here and ill reply to you!! i'm just that bored