Chapter Twenty Six.

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All to soon it was the day Belle had been dreading, day one of court. Alex's father had been a high power judge just long enough to gain media attention on the case, after the news got a hold of Alex and Belle's record and tied the pieces together it became a frenzy.

When the limo that Ethan had sent to pick her up parked in front of the massive courthouse she wanted nothing more than to go home and hide. She could barely see the courthouse steps due to the anchormen and women, camera crews and flashing lights. The streets were also crowded with civilians all wanting a pound of flesh, an explanation as to how Belle once again had became wrapped up in the drama of a prolific, powerful family.

Ethan reached her door and pulled it open, holding out a hand.

"Come on, head up don't look at anyone directly. Don't answer their questions. Just follow me inside."

She gave a small now, climbing from the car as the hoards of news people swarmed her.

"Miss Whitley, is it true you're doing this in retaliation for your fathers murder?" 
"Have you had contact with Alex?"
"Where are the children now?"
"Do you feel you can financially provide for these children with your background?"

The questions rang in her ears and were nearly deafening, Ethan wrapped one arm around her shoulder tightly as he ushered her up the stairs.

"My client will not be answering any questions today! Thank you!" He called out.

They reached the doors and Ethan hurried to open one and she ducked into the massive hallway. Everything inside was marble and cold, her high heels echoed in the empty hallway lined with paintings of angry looking men.

"I'm sorry, my Father must have tipped off the news," Ethan said.

"It's okay, I'm kind of used to it." 

"We are in court room four, we have a few minutes before it starts."

He motioned to the left down the hall and Belle followed him, her chest tight and stomach turning. She had not been able to stomach breakfast that morning and when she left the children with Jade a part of her was convinced it was the last time she would hug them close.

"How long have you known the judge?" She asked, her voice breaking.

"As long as my father has, almost my entire life and most of Alex's."

She felt more of her hope slip away at his words, his father was friends with almost every judge in the state, it would be nearly impossible to find one who didn't believe the kids were better off with him.

She glanced at Ethan, he was gripping his briefcase tightly in one hand, his knuckles white. He was wearing a black jacket and pants that were steamed and pressed, a white button up shirt and green tie. His shiny black shoes clicked on the floor with purpose and his dark hair was slicked back. She knew he was going to give this his all and she was grateful but a part of her felt guilty for putting him up against his own family. 

They reached the large wooden doors leading to court room four and a tall, muscular security guard stood outside. She pause and Ethan quickly held out his ID badge.

"Right this way Mr. Reynolds," The guard said opening the heavy door.

Ethan walked in first, Belle took a deep breath before following him inside. Both sides of the courtroom had seating that was nearly full with people she didn't know, all of them openly staring at her.

Up front to the right set Alex's parents and their lawyer and directly behind them in the front row sat Alex, nobody spoke to her or offered her a kind smile and she felt small in the large room. Her black heels clicking softly on the floor was the only sound.

She took the seat next to Ethan who didn't even glance at his family as he sat down and opened his briefcase, thumbing through the papers inside.

The judge came in and everyone rose to their feet before sitting, Belle couldn't help a glance at Alex. He was watching her and when he saw her offered her a smile, the first kindness anyone had offered her since she arrived and for a second she felt a glimmer of hope. 

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