Chapter 2

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Picture Cr: @magimiya on Twitter

Hakuji's POV:

"Put your weight on your right leg first and when you attack, transfer all the strength to your tiptoes! You can do better! Keep fighting!"

"GENYA! Hold your gun confidently! It's a part of you now!"


After my exclamation of a break after 3 hours of training, both Kanata and Genya threw themselves on the ground while breathing rapidly but they still made a great progress and they're still eager to go on because they have a little cute fan for themselves.


At my little brother's enthusiastic and cheerful words, both of them started to pat his head while he was giving them their water bootles and a few snacks. I could see the adoration on their faces by the affectionate look they are giving, even though Kanata acts like a tsundere most of the times.

And I couldn't blame them. Rui, alongside our other members of the young trio of our huge family, is trully a source of happiness and confidence. I always wondered if that was genetic or not but by looking at mom I could see that maybe it wasn't the case. I always wanted to know what had happened to her to make her become like that, so monotone so... dead inside.

"Have you seen Oyakata-sama? She hasn't seen around a lot." questioned Kanata, breaking my chains of thought.

"No... Now that I think about it, nobody saw her for 3 days. I hope her health is good... Do you know anything Hakuji-san?"

At Genya's question, I managed to shake my head with a deep sigh and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"I don't know... She has been spacing out a lot in the house. Everyone is worried but she always shushes everything and just says that she just needs to sleep. But I guess her headaches became pretty frequent."

At the mention of this, three head turned to me and there was a look of uneasiness. "Headaches? Why though? I thought both Aoba-san and Shinobu-san monitors her health a lot?"

" They do but... I guess it has something to do with the Blue Spider Lily in her system. Y'know it gave some powers to her and even though her body is strong, I fear It's still trying to accommodate."

"The poison? I thought she didn't do it! Isn't it like... dangerous for her demon side?"asked Genya worriedly.

"It is... That's why they are giving her in small portions. It may be dangerous but it helps her stay alive as well. Don't be so worried, she is a strong woman. She'll pull through this." ended his sentence Hakuji.

After a brief moment of silence Rui suddenly spoke. "Would mother be happy if we prepare her a good meal, nii-san? She doesn't eat much and I can ask for help from Ume nee-chan! Would you also help?"

At my brother's hopefull questions I lifted Rui by his arms and put him on my legs and replied with a "Sure bud! When we are done here, we can go home early and make something nice for her."

"I didn't know that a lot of you have been that worried about me, my children."

At the sudden soft but orotund voice of the afore-mentioned woman that was standing in front of the door and leaning against the frame while she was having a small smile, we all shrieked a bit but at seeing her, Rui immediately lunged towards her and hugged her waist tightly.


"Hey bud, let's get her some tea and let her rest a bit. Are you tired, mother?"

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