CHAPTER 6: The Looks of Love

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I cannot decide whether I think love is beautiful or not, but with that alone, I can confirm that it is entirely confusing. Most of us fail to understand it and yet most of us are cursed, longing for it, craving it as if it would satiate a primal hunger in us. Maybe I should decide to call it so hideous, because of the pain it could bring and the suffering you are bound to be subjected to, all because of it. Or maybe it is the most beautiful thing in the entire universe, all because of the stupid smile plastered on Five Hargreeves's usually stoic face, at the mere sight of his wife. Maybe it is beautiful for when she returned the gesture and slotted herself into his arms, both of them dramatically collapsed towards the ground as if the world has finally found peace.

It was Ellie that pulled away first, just enough space to look at her husband, tears streaming down from her eyes that were sage under the dim alley. She touched his face, fingertips dancing on his angular features, as if she was soaking up every single detail of his face. She sobbed when she was convinced that it was definitely her Five that sat in front of her, his own aquamarine eyes welling up with tears as he looked at his wife, before engulfing each other in an embrace once more, even tighter than the last. Hearts swelled, the young man and woman shaming every great love story that came before them. Let it be known, love is a look and it suits Five Hargreeves well.

A low cough broke them from their trance. While Eleanor keeps her composure, Five, much like a child catching the bell of the ice cream man on any given day, whips his head towards the originator of the sound, only then remembering the other figure he had witnessed enter the alleyway moments before.

Ellie forces a smile as she stands up, anchoring onto Five's arms. She could feel the cold daggers that Five was sending Steven's way, looks that would definitely crush someone's- anyone's spirit, but in this case Steven held the gaze, puffing out his own chest, the two young men, both looking as if they were establishing dominance over the other.

Ellie beginning to bubble with annoyance, folded her arms across her chest, one heel-clad foot tapping onto the concrete. As if the sound had been ingrained in his head, Steven froze, the tapping sound sending him into a catatonic state even forcing him to fix his stance and take himself behind the small young woman.

Five watched the little spectacle, uncertain on how he was supposed to react, he did however understand that the woman he had fallen in love with, threateningly tapping her foot on the concrete almost noiselessly, exuded a palpable aura that intimidates and he could not have been more proud. Regardless, Five met her eyes, sending her a questioning look, to which she replies with a small smirk  "It works every time."

At this point Five simply wanted answers, how she is, where she'd been, how long she'd been there and most especially who the hell the gangly boy was. Speaking of said gangly boy, he perks up, glancing at his watch, squinting as he tried to see the numbers in the dim light. "I think we should go back home now Miss Eleanor." He states, voice louder than need be, clearly wanting a reaction from the other boy.

Five was getting more and more annoyed by the minute, the slight yet noticeable smugness in the boy's tone had fueled the ever growing flame that was Five Hargreeves's spite for anyone that isn't his wife or dear old Dolores.

Ellie stiffens when she meets the green of her husband's eyes, "You live with this kid?" He asks, tone sharp head even tipping towards Steven to emphasize his point. She shakes her head, slightly annoyed as the jealousy in his voice registered to her.

"I do live with him Five. This is Steven." She answers calmly, her arms tightening around herself as she let out a long sigh. Ellie thinks for a bit, letting a moment of silence engulf the three of them before turning towards Steven and whispering. They were mere murmurs to Five's ears, noticing the boy look towards him for a split second, giving an earnest nod towards the green-eyed girl before exiting the alleyway, leaving the husband and wife to their own devices.

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