Chapter 3

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A/N I don't really like this chapter but it will get better because I have already a fun plot idea for the next chapter. Have fun reading! Any tips are welcome just stay nice.

Warning⚠: cursing

"Shit!" She shouts as she almost crashes into the car in front of her. She quickly gives the stirringwheel a hard tug to avoid hitting it. "Phew, that was close." She sighed looking in the back mirror to see if she lost the sirens yet.

She didn't see any sirens anymore but that didn't necessarily mean she lost them. They could still be following her from a distance or they could have taken another route to surprise her.

"Okay let me think... what should I do now?" She just realized how messed up her life is right now. She has nowhere to go or anybody to go to. She was alone in a strange land where she already managed to get enemies. Of course she did...

"I think the best thing to do now is to learn their ways and fit in as quickly as possible." She drove further and further away from the town and soon there were less buildings alongside the road and it was getting dark outside. She decided that her smartest move would be to keep driving all night. Mostly because she was driving in a bright red car that is hard to miss and she didn't want to risk getting captured by the sirens.

It was 11pm and she had been driving for more than 3 hours and she was getting sleepy and also hungry due to the fact that she hasn't eaten anything since she landed on this planet.


She drove all night when she finally saw, what looked like buildings in the distance. She couldn't see very clear because her eyes almost closed and she had to pinch herself every few minutes to not pass out from exhaustion.

At the moment it was 5.30 in the morning and the sun started to rise. With all that was going on in her life she was very stressed but something about seeing the sunrise and seeing every part of the land slowly getting lighter made her feel relaxed. And she even felt a little happiness.

The buildings started getting closer and she passed a few cars on the way. So she knew it was time to start and blend in. First things first she needed a new outfit because looking at the people here she does very much stand out in the attire she is wearing right now.

"I'm gonna need to fix a new outfit, and a new car."

A car came in her direction and before it could pass her she drifted in front of the car to block the way and the other car had to hit the breaks and it came to a stop just in time not to hit Cahira.

The woman in the car stepped out of the car with a very angry look on her face. "WHAT THE HELL WOMAN! WHAT IN GODS NAME ARE YOU DOING?! YOU COULD'VE HIT ME!" The woman shouted while walking directly at the car Cahira was sitting in.

"Nothing personal but I'm stealing your car." She said with a sly smile. "So we can do this the hard way or the easy way, you chose."

"The hell you are! Get away from me crazy woman!" She Scowled. And continues to approach Cahira.

"So hard way it is." She smirks. "Well at least you will get a bigger car... so I don't really see a problem for you here." She says shrugging her shoulders.

Cahira steps out of the vehicle and steps in front of the woman. She grabs her spear and hits the woman in the head with the back of her spear. And with one hit the woman falls unconscious on the ground. "Well that was easy." She smiles proud.

She quickly changes into the outfit the woman was wearing. She was wearing a yellow sundress with little lemons on it and white sneakers.

"Urgg I hate dresses, how do people feel comfortable in these? But it will have to do for now."

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