06-The car chase

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THEY WERE ALL WALKING THROUGH THE HOTEL LOBBY, Alan kept asking Phil and Aurora where they were still friends "What about England, guys? Will we still be friends there?"

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THEY WERE ALL WALKING THROUGH THE HOTEL LOBBY, Alan kept asking Phil and Aurora where they were still friends "What about England, guys? Will we still be friends there?"

"We sorry Alan, it was in the heat of the moment, 'Kay? We're still friend"

"All over the world Alan" Aurora finished

"Even Great Britain?"


Alan turned to Stu "well, what about you, Stu?"

"We'll see" A man walked up beside them "gentlemen, lady, follow me"

He lead them to a restaurant area of the hotel and to a bald man in a grey suit sitting in a table "Here you go" 

"Well! It's about time. Sit down" the man at the table told them "come on, sit, sit, sit"

Aurora sat next to Phil as Alan sat next to the man and Stu at the end of the table by Aurora "Wow, you guys look like shit"

"Charming" Aurora muttered 

"Uh... so we know you?" Phil questioned but the man just turned to Alan 

"Hey. Take off your fuckin' hat. Your in a restaurant for Chris sake. Come on." Alan took his hat off and set it down in the table 

"Okay, listen" Phil started "uh, we have no clue what's goin' on here"

Again the man ignored what he said "You know, they sell a plum whiskey here. It's fuckin' unreal. Seriously it will absolutely fuck you up" he laughed slightly "oh, I'm sorry, you guys already got fucked up, didn't ya?" He laughed again 

"Okay, we're a little confused. How did you-" he cut her off

"Yeah, you know what? I'm a little fuckin' confused. Where's chow?!" The man shouted "where is chow with the fuckin' account code and the fuckin' password?!" He hit the table drawing attention to them

Phil and Aurora looked at each other confused "We don't know anything about any codes. We're just trying to find our friend"

"Teddy" the man said bringing everyone's attention 

"Yes" everyone but Alan said "Teddy. Have you seen him?"

The man chuckled and clicked his fingers as a man have him an envelope "Hmm, let's see. Oh. There's Teddy" he pulled out some pictures 

"Holy shit. It's from last night. Who are you?" Phil asked 

"I'm a businessman, and I have invested a large chunk of capital in your friend chow"

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