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February 2nd 2020 12pm
The recording studio
Nobody's POV:

After Blair calmed her nerves down again she just had to find room number 12.

She walked around in the studio hall her hoodie still soaked in coffee and her cheeks red from anger.

It took her another five minutes until she found a door that was slightly opened.She heard a girl voice and decided to knock.


Blair slowly opened the door and stuck her head in immediately turning around again when she saw the boy from before standing in the recordingbooth smirking at her devilishly.

In the other corner of the room was a chair and ok it was sat the girl she thought was the girl that called her in.

She leaned against the wall with closed eyes taking a deep breath before walking into the room again.

Blue eyed boy-Look who came back.The ugly-hoodie girl.

Blair rolled her eyes again but chose to ignore him as she turned to the girl which smiled at her nicely.

Blair-Hey I'm Blair.I just moved here and this is the first time I am in this studio could you maybe tell me where room number twelve is?

She stuck out her hand which the other girl shook before glaring at Jaden.

Cynthia-First of all hey I'm Cynthia.Second of all room number twelve is just two rooms on the left from this one.Third why is your hoodie wet?

Blair glared at Jaden  who just rolled his eyes.

Blair-Something kinda ran into me.

Blue eyed Boy-So I'm a thing now?ok.And that's on objectification.

Blair-So you admit that you were the one that ran into me and not the otherway around.

She smirked knowing she won.He just glared at her.

Cynthia-So you two know each other.Great.

She smiled sarcastically in the boys direction.

Cynthia-The girl is freezing because you dipshit couldn't watch where you walk.And you didn't even give her your hoodie.Jaden Isaiah Hossler where is your gentleman-behavior.

Blair's POV:
So turned out that Blue-eyed boys name was Jaden Isaiah Hossler.
And he infact gave me his hoodie which smelt absolutely amazing exept the fact that it didn't fit quite well.

After me and Cynthia exchanged numbers I went into room number 12 and began recording when my manager came in.

I got into the booth and he pressed the power button for the music to start playing and I started singing.

Time skip to:Back at Blair's Apartment 5pm
Blair's POV:

After what felt like years of recording the song was ready.Me and my manager agreed to release the song in three days.On February 5th 2020.

I was hungry but had nothing in the fridge which meant I had to find a target.

Luckily there was one just ten minutes away so I took my airpods and purse and went to target by foot.I stood out there filming my intro for my new vlog.

Blair-Hey guys were back again with another day in LA.It's my first time going shopping here and I'm very curious of how long i'll need to find everything I need to buy.

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