A Christmas Bet - Part 8

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"Tobio, your boyfriend's here!" Miwa called from the front door.

Kageyama rushed down the stairs with a scowl on his face, "Shut up!"

Miwa smirked, "What? Still embarrassed about calling Shouyou your boyfriend?"

Kageyama sputtered, attempting to come up with a comeback. Miwa looked at him and sighed, "What did Shouyou see in you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Nothing!" Miwa felt her phone buzz and pulled it out, "Anyway, Shouyou's outside with the car waiting for you."

Kageyama pulled on his shoes in a hurry, his necktie swing in the air with his rushed step, "I'm going, I'm going!"

Miwa hummed as she unlocked her phone, taking a sip before promptly spitting it out, "HOLY SHIT!"

She swung her front door open and yelled out Kageyma's name just before he entered the red car parked in front of their apartment.

Kageyama and Hinata looked at Miwa with a confused look but Miwa instead shouted-


Kageyama gave her a thumb up after a moment. He entered the car and Hinata tapped his shoulder, "You wanna check Twitter while I drive?"

Kageyama shook his head, "Oh absolutely, I wanna see what's got her in such a good mood."

Kageyama pulled out his own phone as he heard Hinta switch the car engine on. He opened Twitter and looked for anything strange on there.

When he found it, he could understand why Miwa was nearly crying tears of laughter.

"Fucking hell- Hinata!"


"Look!' He nearly shoved the phone on his face as Hinata slowed down the car for a stoplight.

His eyes widened as he read the screen.

"'I know about the bet you guys have going on and I have to say most of you are wrong.'"






"Kou, what are you doing?"

Bokuto looked at Akaashi with panicked eyes, "Keiji, he knows!"

Akaashi lifts an eyebrow at that, "And why do you say that?"

Bokuto shoved his phone in Akaashi face and the latter gently pushed the hand back to look at the screen properly. His eyes widened slightly before he let out a sigh.

".-course Sakusa-kun would do this." He muttered under his breath.

"What are we gonna do, Akaashi!" Bokuto whined, " He's gonna be so mad.."

Akaashi took one look at Bokuto sulking before he let out a fond sigh and smiled, "Well, I guess we've lost the bet. But we still have a party to go, Kou."

Bokuto stilled for a moment before turning towards Akaashi with bright eyes, "Right, I have to go to the party! I promised Tsumu-kun that I'd chug a bottle of champagne with him!"

"You what-"

"C'mon Akaashi, we have to hurry."

"..Kou, the keys to the car are still inside."





A Christmas Bet- SakuAtsuWhere stories live. Discover now