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Part 01


Shinhwa High. The most expensive school in the country. Only high profile people's children go to this school. Not only expensive but also really luxurious and competitive school. The students are also similar. Mostly arrogant with middle class people and showing off their money, looks and social positions are their first priority. 

I attend this school. My name is Lee Y/N, 18 years old. My dad is a doctor and also the director of Kangmin Hospital which is one of the biggest private hospitals in the country. And my mom, well she is a model. She was the top model of the country during her 20's and 30's but since she is in her 40's right now that's why she is not much active like before. But she is always on high demand. 

So as you can see both my mom and dad are high profile people so public image means a lot to them. Actually not only them but also all my classmates' parents. So they always want their childs to also maintain that image. But things are a little different in my case. 

My parents not only want me to maintain the image but also they also want me to be the top student of my class. And my mom always keeps a keen eye on me to maintain my figure and my fashion. Since she is a model, she is always very strict with my appearance. And since my dad is a doctor he is really strict with my studies. 

And for my result, they are not enough to satisfy my parents because they are not consistent. I may come first in my first terminal exam but then I will drop to 3rd in my finals which is not acceptable to them. It's not like I don't try but the competition is so much that I can't keep up. But I never went out of the top 5. But for my parents it's no first place, no opinion. 

At the School
I was waiting inside the car outside the school for my friends. Well so called friends you can say because I didn't make them my friends, my mom did. Since I am waiting then let me tell you about my friends too. 

Jennie, Sana, Rose and Lia, they are my friends. Jennie is kinda the princess of the school and this friend group because first of all her dad is the chairman of the school and second she is Kim Taehyung's sister. Taehyung is the most handsome and popular guy in our school. Even though he is one year older than us he is in the same class. He is also Rose's boyfriend. 

Sana's dad is a minister and Lia's dad is the CEO of a company. Rose's dad owns the most popular and expensive hotel in Seoul. So you can see that every member of my friend group comes from hella rich families including me. But the only difference is maybe their parents don't pressure them as much as my parents do. 

Out of all them Lia is the one I am a little close to. Because she seems less arrogant than them. Even though they are arrogant, they treat me properly. I personally don't like them much because of their topic of discussion. It will be always boys and sex. I swear I am the only one in my class who is a virgin. All of them lost their virginity at the age of 15 or less. 

I don't have a problem with them talking about that stuff. But I am strictly forbidden to date anyone. So I don't have anything to say when they start talking about boys and sex. 

Suddenly I heard my driver knocking on the window glass. 

Driver: Miss your friends here. You can go now. 

I sighed and got out of the car. It's a rule in our group that we have to enter the school together like super girls. I don't know why but they think it looks cool and we look more powerful. 

Lia: Hey Y/N good morning. 

Y/N: Good morning Lia. Hey everyone. 

Jennie: Omg Y/N your shoe is so beautiful. Aunty picked it right?

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