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Part 03

Jungkook's POV 

It has been two months since I started attending Shinhwa High. And truthfully everything was going pretty smoothly. About Y/N, well Taehyung was right about her. She is really hard to get. But for some reason I feel like she is not like that. I feel like she suppresses her real feeling, her real self. 

I won't say that there wasn't any progress with getting her out of her shell. She now at least hangs out with us more than before. And she also voluntarily comes and has her lunch with us. But for these two months I have never seen her outside the school. 

I attended dozens of parties with mine and her friend group in these two months but she never came to any of them. Not even for little hang outs in the restaurant. 

And about me, well she is making me crazier for her day by day. It's not a simple crush. It's pure desire. Might name it love as well. Not just because she is beautiful but also her personality. She is really kind and humble despite her parent's social status. Never bragging, never showing off. Her such qualities attract me the most. 

We were all focusing on the class and after a few minutes it ended. Taehyung got up from his seat and sat up on the desk in front of Rose. Y/N was sitting beside her. I couldn't help but stare at her from time to time. 

Taehyung: Hi sweetheart. 

Rose: Babe I am so stressed. I just hate math so much. 

Taehyung: Aww me too babe. Now come give me a kiss. 

They both leaned forward to kiss each other and their lips met too but suddenly Jimin shouted. 

Jimin: Omg the principle is coming. 

Taehyung: What??

Rose: Ahhh...what the fuck Taehyung you just bit my lips. 

Jimin: Oopsi I was kidding. 

The whole class burst out in laughter. I was laughing my ass off as it was too hilarious. 

Rose: Oh god my lips are bleeding. Fuck you Taehyung. Never come to kiss me ever again. 

Taehyung: I am sorry babe. Park Jimin you motherfucker.  

Then he ran behind Jimin to beat his ass. Everyone was laughing when my eyes automatically drew towards Y/N. And trust me if I say that I just witnessed an angel, a goddess laughing. For the first time I saw her laughing like that. And I can risk my life to see her laugh like this. She is too beautiful. 

Y/N's POV 

Exam month has arrived. That means I will be stressed and depressed all the time. And the worst part is I really can't help it. Even if I complete my lessons or revise them multiple times, I still get nervous and depressed before my exam. I can barely talk to anyone before that. 

And of course my mom and dad are always there to fuel up the nervousness. Before every exam, I will get some threats from them to come first in the class. Or else I would get punished which makes me more depressed and stressed. My hands always tremble before an exam. Sometimes I get breathing problems. But my parents don't have any idea about all these. 

Today was our first exam and the subject was Chemistry. The subject I hate the most. I became more nervous. I studied all night but still my heart was pounding, my hands were trembling and sweating. We still had 40 minutes left till the exam started. 

Everyone was studying in groups, some were discussing their problems. And here I was sitting in the corner with my book open and my existence shaking. I tried to revise some formulas again which I find hardest. As I was reviewing them, suddenly I found a formula which I couldn't remember at all. And here comes my panic attack.

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