Chapter 13 - July 29, 1997

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Chapter 13
3rd POV
July 29, 1997

Severus swiftly walked up to the house of the recently deceased Howard Juniper where the Order was meeting. Entering, he swiftly took note of who was there. More notable was who was missing. There was not a speck of red hair in the room nor was Black or Lupin there.

Several who were there looked uneasy. Snape made his way to a shadowed part of the room and leaned against the wall. He returned Moody's gaze with a flat one until Moody turned to speak to Shacklebolt.

"Now that everyones here we can begin. Dumbledore said from the front of the room. "I know many of you are uneasy about the articles of the past few days. Remember that the Prophet will write whatever sells the copies whether it is the truth or not. The editor, Mr. Byliners practically admitted that to me when I went to protest about the content of Lord and Lady Slytherin's interview."

"So, you didn't keep her heritage from her intentionally?" McGonagall asked sharply.

Dumbledore looked over at her. "As her Head of House, did you make sure she had the knowledge she should have had?"

"Me?" McGonagall spluttered. "I assumed her magical Guardian had told her. I am very busy with all the positions I carry at Hogwarts."

"And I was busy with mine and the war we know is being fought. I intended to take her to Gringotts on her birthday and educate her on social niceties after the war was over. I knew she had a heavy burden to bear with the prophecy and did not want to break her with more responsibilities."

Murmuring broke out in the room. Of course he was thinking of her welfare. She just took it the wrong way.

"And Black?" Kingsley asked. "I took your word that he was innocent, but without proof could clear him legally. Did you know about the godfather oath?"

"I knew he was legally her godfather. The old oaths are dark ways. I didn't think it would help his case." Dumbledore looked around the room. It was too bad that Bill Weasley wasn't here. He needed to see those Gringotts documents. "Has anyone found a way to discredit the false documents Tom has produced?"

Everyone looked at everyone else and shook their heads.

Dumbledore sighed in disappointment. "Severus, have you seen Azalea? How is Voldemort treating her in private? We can't be certain he isn't forcing her to say these things. I need to know when she'll be out on her own so I can talk to her and free her from his influence."

"I have not seen her in Voldemort's presence. Perhaps this Tom Riddle is a grandson as he says."

Dumbledore stared at his spy in stunned disbelief. "Don't play games, severus. We all know that Tom Riddle is Voldemort."

Snape shrugged. "I do know that Tom Marvolo Riddle, who would be in his sixties, is indeed Voldemort. Thomas Riddle appears to be mid-twenties. The Dark Lord has not called us often this summer and he was indeed as the Daily Prophet reported - tall, pale, serpentine. As I said the time you sent me after Potter disappeared, Voldemort had a blonde, blue eyed witch at hand that could make Longbottom seem intelligent. He gave no indication of having Potter."

Dumbledore held Snape's gaze. "If there is nothing else, the meeting is adjourned. We need to continue to find a way to defeat Voldemort and free Azalea from his grasp or prove without a doubt that this young man is indeed an unfortunate blow."

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