Welcome Home

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(3rd person pov)
Lucy just finished a long and tiring job. She decided to go home and rest then go to the guild in the morning. She unlocked her door and summoned Plue.

"Aww hi Plue, I've missed relaxing with you." She said.
She decided to relax with a bath then she would read a little of the book Levy gave her then she would go to bed. "Yeah that's relaxing" she said as she slipped into her bath. After a while Plue went back to the spirit world. She got out of the tub and wrapped herself in a towel. She walked into her room not paying attention to anything since she was so tired. She took her towel off and put her underware on. Then put a pair of socks on, then some shorts. She heard a noise behind her.

She spun around finding a handsome, pale, pink haired man. She covered her chest when she realized she hadn't put a top on yet. "Um who the hell are you and why are you in my room, especially when I'm getting dressed?" "Sorry for my intrusion into your lovely home, but I've been staying here a couple days. I guessed you were out of town so I was taking good care of your home.

But I also needed a place to stay. Let's just say I was kicked out of my house." "Did you go through any of my stuff?" "Not at all, I just slept on the couch thats it." "Oh ok, well I guess if you want to stay here your going to have to help pay rent." "That seems fair my' lady. Please continue getting dressed I'll be heading off to the couch. See you in the morning."

"See ya." Lucy finished getting dressed but had so many questions running through her head but was to tired to ask them tonight. So she decided to wait. And with that she drifted of into sleep.

~The End~
(Sorry like I said I suck at doing this, but I want to try to become better at writing this stuff) 《also Idk how often I will be able to write these things so, work with me》

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